TextExpander touch 3.5.4 SDK for iOS 9 GM Now Available

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Greg Scown

Sep 9, 2015, 4:57:02 PM9/9/15
to tetouch-sdk
Dear Developers:

The TextExpander touch 3.5.4 SDK is now available on GitHub:

This version was built with Xcode 7.0 GM and is suitable for your iOS 9 GM app. The TextExpander.framework includes Bitcode.

IMPORTANT! You must add these entries to your LSApplicationQueriesSchemes:


If you do not add these entries, the SDK will always report that TextExpander is NOT installed, expansion will not work in your app, and your app will not be able to update snippets.

This build contains a TextExpander.framework.fat folder, which includes the x86 architectures. It's no longer the main TextExpander.framework because the linker strips Bitcode from ALL targets when x86 architectures appears in any library.

Please get in touch if you have any questions:

Thanks for supporting TextExpander touch in your app!

TextExpander touch Team @ Smile
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