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TextExpander touch 2.1 Update

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Greg Scown

Sep 6, 2013, 5:06:17 PM9/6/13
Dear TextExpander touch SDK Adopters,

Thank you again for including TextExpander touch support in your app.

We're pleased to report that the TextExpander 2.1 app has cleared review. It's been "Processing for App Store" for a few hours now, so it may not be available at the time you receive this, but it should be available within 21 hours of now. TextExpander 2.1 writes snippet data to both the Clipboard and the Reminder on iOS 6 and just the Reminder on iOS 7.

TextExpander 2.1 will allow you to test the new SDK on devices.

We have 3 issue reports against 2.1b5, but none appear to be critical:

1. The TextExpander SDK should not request access to Reminders if TextExpander is not installed, even if such access is allowed. This can be worked around by calling [SMTEDelegateController setAllowRemindersAccessRequest:[[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"tetouch://"]]].

2. It may be possible for unexpected characters to appear during expansion in a UITextView when run on the Simulator. We can't reproduce that report, so if you can, please get in touch. The developer who reported this cannot reproduce this behavior on the device. Given that, we suspect this is not critical.

3. textViewDidChange: is not called after snippet expansion. We're investigating and can probably fix this.

If item #3 does not affect your app, then 2.1b5 should be all you need. We'll shoot to release an updated 2.1b6 SDK by the end of the day US Pacific time on Monday, assuming we're able to fix these.

Shortly after Apple makes clear the release plan for iOS 7, we'll send another email with an update.

Please let us know if you have any questions:


Greg Scown for the TextExpander touch Team

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