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TextExpander touch SDK on iOS 7

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Greg Scown

Aug 6, 2013, 12:55:56 PM8/6/13
Dear TextExpander touch SDK Adopters,

First, thank you so much for implementing TextExpander in your app! We're so thrilled to have had over 160 iOS developers do so, and we appreciate the trust you've put in us by integrating our code in your app.

You're probably aware that in iOS 7, Apple has changed UIPasteboard such that it is no longer possible to use it to share data in a named pasteboard among multiple non-affiliated apps. This is how we currently share TextExpander snippets in the current SDK. We've spoken about this with Apple folks at WWDC. We've filed a bug, and we know a number of you have as well. We've not received feedback on the bug, and we do not expect additional changes to UIPasteboard prior to the release of iOS 7.

There are two other iOS-wide data stores accessible to all apps – AddressBook and EventKit. We've tested both, and our impression is that EventKit is the better choice. EventKit isn't thread-picky like AddressBook. It's easy to store an event relatively far in the past, such that it's unlikely for the user to encounter the event. Much older events (such as August 25, 2009, the day the TextExpander touch SDK was released) are not searched by Spotlight, whereas all contacts are searched. Both AddressBook and EventKit require user permission to access, and we understand that we'll have to provide clear advice on how SDK implementors will request and explain such permission, both for apps which normally request Calendar access and for those which do not.

Our plan is to provide a prerelease SDK by the end of the month, so that you have time to make adjustments to your TextExpander implementation in advance of the release of iOS 7. If it becomes clear that iOS 7 will be released more rapidly than we expect, we will accelerate our plans to match. We will test the prerelease SDK against iOS 7 GM when it becomes available, and, assuming there are no issues, we'll declare the prerelease as the final version. If you'd like to receive early betas of the SDK, please let us know at:

Once again, thank you so much for implementing TextExpander in your app. We've been dealt an unexpected hand by the changes to UIPasteboard in iOS 7, but we believe we have a reasonable response, and we plan to deliver it far enough in advance of iOS 7's release as to have no adverse impact on your apps.

Please let us know if you have any questions:


Greg Scown for the TextExpander touch Team

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