Thought for the presentation

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Deering, Brian R.

Oct 19, 2007, 6:01:01 PM10/19/07
to Ian Costello,, Bergerson Fred
If Whittier has the resources, I would like to video Fred's presentation on October 26.
The presentation will be one of what I hope will be many learning events from the Tet Project and I would like to record it so that we, and future researchers, can reuse the knowledge. Can you speak with Fred and approach whoever at the school handles these sorts of things and try to make this happen?
I'd really appreciate it.
And, how well versed in the Media-Wiki product are you? Media-Wiki is the underlying software for What I'm hoping you'll say is that you use Wikipedia and know how to navigate around articles and such. I'd be ecstatic if you know how to create new pages, add links to pages, change formatting and stuff like that. I'm seeking someone who can, on Fred's behalf, speak to the Whittier IT folks and see about getting space and access to a Media-Wiki install on the servers. I envision using the Wiki as a place to store and share the images we've captured, place and share our learnings and Tet Project articles, and to create topical articles, perhaps develop bios for some Tet participants, and finally cross-reference all the data.
I shun a simple HTML page because HTML is best suited for static content whereas our Tet Project requires a more dynamic and collaborative environment. I've worked extensively with the Media-Wiki tool and am comfortable doing maintenance and other SysAdmin stuff but we need someone who can approach the school and get the Wiki installed.
Brian R. Deering
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