FW: Iraq Solution Plan on Ebay

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Deering, Brian R.

Jul 19, 2007, 9:57:18 AM7/19/07
to tet_p...@googlegroups.com
Military Intelligence for Sale!
 Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2007 6:17 PM
Subject: Iraq Solution Plan on Ebay




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July 16, 2007 -- A Brooklyn-based military intelligence officer has put his stellar career on the line by auctioning off on eBay what he says is "the solution to the war in Iraq."

Army Capt. Thad Krasnesky is a veteran of both Iraq wars and speaks fluent Arabic.

Information Krasnesky provided led to dozens of raids and terrorist-cell take-downs in Iraq. Now, the career soldier says he is tired of the war and desperate to help bring it to an end.

So, after fruitlessly writing letters to public officials, military leaders and presidential candidates, he said he embarked on the eBay approach hoping to reach the public with an option the government has ignored.

"I have grieved for lost friends - both American and Iraqi, military and civilian," Krasnesky says in his posting, which will accept bids through July 22.

"This war is not a concept, a philosophy, or a political agenda to me. It is a highly personal issue that I have applied an objective detachment to in order to arrive at a logical conclusion."

Krasnesky, 38, declined to share the five-page "solution" before the bidding ends, but described the Iraqi operation as something that should be handled with a "scalpel" instead of the military's "giant sword."

"I speak the language and understand the culture, history, and religion, well enough to construct a fair, honorable and successful plan," he said.

Although Krasnesky, who is now stationed at Fort Hamilton, set the auction-ending "Buy It Now" price at $5 million, the opening bid for the solution will start at $1.

"All I'm trying to do is get attention," Krasnesky said.

The married father of two said he would continue to speak out on the war - even if it costs him his career.

"I know what the rules are, and I know what the risks are," he said. "It's not like I'm going off half-cocked like some maverick officer. I've gone through all the channels."

Despite his concerns, Krasnesky said he will return to Iraq, even under the present conditions, if he is ordered to do so.

"I disagree with the way the war is being handled," Krasnesky said. "I think we're doing some good things over there, but I think the end result is going to be bad."

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