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Report issue for groups and disabled tests

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Taylan Derinbay

Jul 2, 2020, 11:26:22 PM7/2/20
to testng-dev
Hello, I'm trying to manage my suites and got a problem. I have a test in a group that I make disable as: @Test(groups = {"first"}, enabled = false). This test is in the package of

And I have a suite file for including another group as:
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "">
<suite name="first_suite" configfailurepolicy="continue" parallel="methods">
<test name="first_test" preserve-order="false">
<include name="second"/>
<package name=""></package>

Now, when I execute this suite, I see this test in my test results as skipped (because of enabled = false). But I don't want that to be in the list because it's not in the group. I guess it's first looking the package and marks the enabled = false tests as skipped at first without checking the group info.
Is there any way for workaround this issue? It's kinda breaking my reports.

Thanks in advance

⇜Krishnan Mahadevan⇝

Jul 3, 2020, 2:45:56 AM7/3/20
What version of TestNG are you using ? Please ensure that you are using the latest released version of TestNG (7.1.0 as of today) and try again.
If its a problem still, please share a sample project that can be used to reproduce the problem.

Thanks & Regards
Krishnan Mahadevan

"All the desirable things in life are either illegal, expensive, fattening or in love with someone else!"
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Taylan Derinbay

Jul 3, 2020, 12:56:14 PM7/3/20
to testng-dev
Thank you, I'm using the last version (7.1) and this is an allure reporting plugin issue I guess. I saw testng giving the right test results after some debug, but allure took enabled=false test autumatically, even that test is not the running group. I've asked help from their platform..
Thanks again

3 Temmuz 2020 Cuma 09:45:56 UTC+3 tarihinde ⇜Krishnan Mahadevan⇝ yazdı:
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