TestNG appends instance count to the test name in reports, and this is not what I want. I can't use a report listener,because I'm running in ADO, and they only use the default report builder. I don't want this number appended, because it effectly changes the test name, so test case history is skewed, if I have retries on failure.
I've tried all of the renaming techniques I could find, and they work fine, except for the [<incident>] number appended to the name.
Here's and example of what I'm seeing. The ones with dataproviders have the unwanted appendage.
<testsuite name="test.RetryExperiment" tests="7" skipped="0" failures="0" errors="0" timestamp="2019-03-18T11:57:07" hostname="ebishop" time="38.206">
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest [0](a, thing for a)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.002"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest [1](b, thing for b)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest [2](x, thing for x)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest2 [0](Durok, red)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.0"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest2 [1](Hampshire, Black with white stripe.)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.dataProviderRetryTest2 [2](Chester White, White)" classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.001"/>
<testcase name="RetryExperiment.simpleRetryTest " classname="test.RetryExperiment" time="0.0"/>