Reporting test results from soapUI to Testlink when result is NOT_RUN fails

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Anna Lazareva

Mar 13, 2014, 11:52:09 AM3/13/14
I'm using soapUI 4.0.1, testlink-java-api-1.9.8-1, testlink-api-client-2.0.
The problem that I encountered is the following:

In my soapUI project I have a groovy script that creates a file for execution results; second groovy script that loops through all Test Steps for each Test Case and depending on testStep.assertionStatus.toString (UNKNOWN, VALID or FAILED) writes results to this file, and the third script that reads results from the file and using testlinkAPIClient.reportTCResult sends results to TestLink. Parameter "ExecutionStatus status" for reportTCResult can be ExecutionStatus.PASSED, ExecutionStatus.FAILED or ExecutionStatus.NOT_RUN. The first two work fine, but when it gets to NOT_RUN I have error message "ERROR:br.eti.kinoshita.testlinkjavaapi.util.TestLinkAPIException: The status code (n) provided is not valid!"

Maybe I'm doing smth wrong...I don't know... Did anyone have the same issue?

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