Test Case Review - Any Example how dev is reviewing my cases

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Eldad Cohen

Jun 25, 2014, 8:50:00 AM6/25/14
to testlin...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

I want to add a phase on my test specification were my dev team will review my test cases.
How can I set a tracking option which test case was reviewed by dev and by who. I want to have a report that summarized who from dev reviewed my test case and gave me also remarks.
, any example will be helpful.


Apratim Tripathi

Feb 26, 2024, 12:58:13 PMFeb 26
to testlink-users
Does anyone have any idea about this ?

  TestLink 1.9.20 [DEV]

TestLink 1.9.20 [DEV] - New installation


TestLink setup will now attempt to setup the database:

Creating connection to Database Server:OK!

Connecting to database `testlink`:OK!
Creating Testlink DB user `root`:OK! (ok - user_exists ok - grant assignment)
Dropping all TL existent tables:
Droping assignment_status
Droping assignment_types
Droping attachments
Droping builds
Droping cfield_build_design_values
Droping cfield_design_values
Droping cfield_execution_values
Droping cfield_node_types
Droping cfield_testplan_design_values
Droping cfield_testprojects
Droping custom_fields
Droping db_version
Droping events
Droping execution_bugs
Droping execution_tcsteps
Droping executions
Droping inventory
Droping issuetrackers
Droping testproject_issuetracker
Droping codetrackers
Droping testproject_codetracker
Droping keywords
Droping milestones
Droping node_types
Droping nodes_hierarchy
Droping object_keywords
Droping platforms
Droping plugins
Droping plugins_configuration
Droping req_coverage
Droping req_relations
Droping req_specs
Droping req_specs_revisions
Droping reqmgrsystems
Droping testproject_reqmgrsystem
Droping requirements
Droping req_versions
Droping req_revisions
Droping req_monitor
Droping rights
Droping risk_assignments
Droping role_rights
Droping roles
Droping testcase_relations
Droping tcversions
Droping tcsteps
Droping testcase_keywords
Droping testcase_platforms
Droping testplan_platforms
Droping testcase_script_links
Droping testplan_tcversions
Droping testplans
Droping testprojects
Droping testsuites
Droping text_templates
Droping transactions
Droping user_assignments
Droping user_group
Droping user_group_assign
Droping user_testplan_roles
Droping user_testproject_roles
Droping users
Droping execution_tcsteps_wip

============================================================================== DB Access Error - debug_print_backtrace() OUTPUT START ATTENTION: Enabling more debug info will produce path disclosure weakness (CWE-200) Having this additional Information could be useful for reporting issue to development TEAM. ============================================================================== #0 database->exec_query() called at [C:\xampp\htdocs\testlinkG\install\sqlParser.class.php:98] #1 SqlParser->process() called at [C:\xampp\htdocs\testlinkG\install\installNewDB.php:469]
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