We have listed your entry in Onetact directory

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Onetact Us

Jul 27, 2017, 6:40:45 AM7/27/17
to Testing yo


We have launched https://onetact.com the largest Global Desi (NRI) directory covering 100+ categories across 100+ countries. Global Desi includes the diaspora from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka & Maldives.

Search entries by a combination of name, multiple category #tags, location and view them in the list or map mode. You can share a specific set of search entry results by pressing copy to clipboard on homepage.

We are promoting your entry (+ branches) in a feature-rich widget format providing one point access to all information for users. Do check & let us know for any modifications, so that we can ensure you get the maximum mileage.

Utility for your Counselors

Very often prospective students & their parents ask questions about restaurants, grocery stores, worship areas, communities and other Desi facilities available in the university neighbourhood that becomes difficult to answer spontaneously.

Onetact.com can help them discover such information in several ways. Simply enter the University location in map mode and view all categories of entries in the vicinity. Some of the hot listed categories are listed as follows:

#Student #Community 500+  (University Clubs)
#Migration #Consultant 3000+ entries
#Restaurant 20000+ entries

#Grocery 2000+ outlets

#Worship 4000+ places

#Mission 2000+ Embassy & Consulates

#Enclave 180+ Little India neighbourhoods

#Organization & #eGroup 8000+ entries

Search organizations & eGroups by further adding these #tag categories:

#Community (7000+), #Commerce (750+), #Student (500+), #Social (2000+)
#Nepalese (160+), #Pakistani (150+), #SriLankan (50+), #Bangladeshi (45+)
#Christian (600+), #Hindu (4000+), #Sikh (500+), #Muslim (200+),
#Gujarati (100+),  #Bengali (100+), #Malaylee (150+), #Punjabi (750+), #Tamil (250+), #Telugu (160+)

Alternatively check http://globaldesi.info the most extensive guide covering historical, social, cultural, political & economical aspects of 45+ million South Asian diaspora living in 195 countries. Maximize your benefits using the directory, it’s free to use. Do let us know if you have any queries or suggestions, we are happy to help in every possible way!

Best Regards,

Team Onetact

Website: https://onetact.com
Whatsapp: +91 98207 40578
Email: onet...@onetact.com

Location: Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

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