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Welcome Iain Watt!

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Sarah Allen

Nov 6, 2011, 12:11:24 PM11/6/11
Please welcome our new member...

> Hi folks. I've been interested in learning Ruby for some time now and have grown to feel that using TDD has the potential to be an excellent tool to facilitate learning so I'm delighted to have found this list through which I discovered listening to the Ruby Rogues podcast. I've come to this conclusion about the value of TDD as a teaching tool through the realisation that often in the past, the problem I've had when coding is not having a clear idea of what is the problem I'm trying to solve. Using TDD forces you to clarify your thinking on this and to express what you're trying to do before you start coding. I'm keen to explore this idea further and hope I can learn some more and also contribute to the conversation and the community. Regards, Iain Watt.

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