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Simple and fast editor of box files (QT)

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Aleksey Sytchev

May 6, 2009, 5:19:21 AM5/6/09
to tesseract-ocr
Hi all.
I wrote fast editor for the boxfiles. I wrote it using QT library, so
it can be built on most popular platforms.
I use it instead of TessBoxer.
Please, look at

Wayne Isaacs

May 6, 2009, 7:32:31 PM5/6/09
to tesseract-ocr
Beautiful looking! Could you please post the Windows build?
Too bad it's an expensive closed library; such a tool is essential.

David Bridson

May 7, 2009, 3:13:01 AM5/7/09
> Beautiful looking!   Could you please post the Windows build?
> Too bad it's an expensive closed library; such a tool is essential.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't QT available for free on all
platforms, licensed under your choice of the GPL or LGPL?

Best regards,

Aleksey Sytchev

May 7, 2009, 8:17:23 AM5/7/09
to tesseract-ocr
Yes, David. You are right.
Wayne, you should look at
And now windows binary is now available.

Rob H.

May 7, 2009, 1:13:43 PM5/7/09
to tesseract-ocr
If you download the QT sdk, then it includes an editor which can build
the owlboxer code.

My issues with it (please correct me if I'm doing something wrong):
1. Loading the box file, didn't load the image. I loaded them image
first, then loaded the box file.
2. Entering unicode characters could only be done through copy&paste
which is slower than just typing in the hex values.

Aleksey Sytchev

May 7, 2009, 2:01:49 PM5/7/09
to tesseract-ocr
1. Yes. Loading the box file, didn't load the image. You can load any
available image. And you can load image first.
2. You can edit current box just press any letter key on your
keyboard. For example, now I edit box file for the russian symbols. I
have the russian keyboard layout on my windows XP, and I just typing
russian letter for the current box. It's faster than typing hex
values. So, copy&paste is not the best way.

Rob H.

May 8, 2009, 10:29:09 AM5/8/09
to tesseract-ocr
1. Ergonomically speaking, If you load a box then the corresponding
image should be loaded... and vice versa.
I'm not aware of any reason that someone would want to load an image
without a box file... or vice versa.
Since Tesseract generates a box/txt file with the same name as the
image, your editor should try to load both the image+box file at the
same time by default.
If both files are not in the same directory (e.g. if you keep images
in one directory and box files in another), then display a file
browser window to have the user select the corresponding box or image.

2. The characters I want to use are not mapped to any known keyboard
layouts. So I can't type them directly.
The only option is to copy/paste which is more tedious than typing the
actual unicode hex value.
Maybe you could show both the character and hex value on your pop-up
and use the TAB key to switch into "hex mode" where the user would
type 4 hex values?

Aleksey Sytchev

May 10, 2009, 5:07:56 AM5/10/09
to tesseract-ocr
1. Yes, I understand that. In new version if you load a box then the
corresponding image will be loaded.
But image loading have no any consequences.
2. Done.
Look at

Rob H.

May 12, 2009, 1:22:39 PM5/12/09
to tesseract-ocr
nice! Thanks.

74yrs old

May 21, 2009, 4:24:07 AM5/21/09
Tested for Kannada in XP.
EXcellent  works for Indic languages which are complex scripts  It is boon for languages which have consonants plus dependent vowels just like Russian, Hindi, Bangla etc.
Many thanks to Aleksey Sytchev for his good work.

On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 10:52 PM, Rob H. <> wrote:

nice! Thanks.

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