This thread has a lot of good info.
specifically, these posts:
New bolts to adjust camber:
Hunter wrong specs:
this is an older thread with lots of info about the negative camber (but not up to date with the new "camber
adjustment bolt":
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I take mine to the Springfield, NJ SC. Mike is the service manager and Andrew is the tech who usually works on my cars.
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I have 34k and have been told I probably have only 4-5k left before I need replacements.
Dennis and Roger were right, my rear tires got worn out by around 19k, despite rotating every 6000 miles. I think the combination of carrying 7 passengers often (70% local, 30% highway) , multiple test drives, and alignment issue did the tires in early.
I got the Good years again for the rear, drove 8000 miles on it with only 4 people (2 adults, 2 little kids), the tread is still at 10/32 (original depth).
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I personally think that the amount of cars in NJ are just too many for one service center, no matter how good they are.
On top of that let's not forget the new deliveries.
Sent from my touchpad running android.
Springfield is just a busy place as no one likes to drive into Queens for service. I actually called Devon PA service and they have much more openings compare to Springfield.
Also, many people are still bringing cars in for TSB related issues, plus annual inspection and more cars in the tri state area, probably all contributes to the back log.
As to reliability of our cars, we shall see :)
"At least when the Paramus SC is open, it will alleviate the wait for service."I was going to take a look at the place tonight but totally forgot. When I came South on Rte. 17 Wednesday I noticed the building had lights on waned to see the latest.Rev. Dr. Herbert VDHOn Sep 11, 2014, at 10:37 PM, Tom Bischoff <> wrote:At least when the Paramus SC is open, it will alleviate the wait for service.
Hi. I’ve had terrible problems.
Chewed through tires. Tire dealer (NTB) couldn’t do alignment.
Turned out a cross bar was bent. Tesla said it wasn’t warranty item.
And now, the tire pressure system warning light won’t go out. Having to take the care back in to have them look at that.
Care has spent more time off the road than on this year.
From: [] On Behalf Of Queenie Wong
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 11:08 PM
To: Tesla Owners of NJ <>
Subject: [Tesla-owners-of-nj] Re: New camber adjustment bolts and new alignment specs
Hi Dennis,
can i get your email address as I would like to have more information about the tesla model s tyres issue....
On Monday, December 9, 2013 at 12:31:10 AM UTC+8, Dennis Dowhy wrote:
This info is relevant to all of us if you dont want to be burning through your tires. I know Anthony and Charlie have blown through tires pretty fast. I'm guessing there's more on this mailing list too that have needed to get new tires.
While I have yet to have any tire issues (32.6k miles now and still 6/32"-7/32" treads), I do monitor this issue closely as it would be very costly maintenance otherwise if I need to replace tires often given the amount of mileage I do.
So I have been monitoring several threads on the forums and there have been some recent developments over the last few weeks.
If you haven't been keeping track of this issue, in short many Model S's are having alignment issues which cause tires to wear insanely fast. The biggest being major toe-out on the rear wheels, causing inside shoulder wear. This is not specific to 21s either as Charlie and others on the forums have had the issue with 19s (it still happens with the 19s, but just takes longer to show so they wear slower). Initial thoughts were due to the OEM negative camber settings. The OEM camber bolts are not adjustable. Negative camber by itself isnt a wear pattern though, but when combined with other alignment issues negative camber will exacerbate the wear even more. Basically the major problem is toe out on the rear tires. Anyone having a large amount of toe out will probably need to replace tires every 5k miles.
There are 2 recent developments over the past few weeks.
The first being that Tesla has released new camber adjustment bolts, so that camber can now be adjusted on the rear wheels to help mitigate the wear.
The second, was that Tesla found that the machine vendor for Hunter alignment machines had programmed in the alignment specs incorrectly for the Model S. Basically any service center using a Hunter machine had been misaligning the cars. Its unclear right now if that was just 1 service center or all service centers. Tesla worked with them to fix the programming. I'm guessing if one was programmed wrong, then they were all programmed wrong.
There is also some debate on whether or not alignment is included with service or not. Some say yes, others say no. One service center would say its included. Others would say its not but they are "comping" the alignments for the time being (probably due to this issue). On the forums some people have had their tires replaced for free under warranty, and others were told no and had to pay for it themselves. My position is that its a factory warranty problem, especially if the alignment machines were all programmed wrong. If I had these issues and burned through a set of tires real fast, I would have pressed free replacement under warranty. To go through a set of tires in 5k is not normal. Previously I've said "it is normal", but to rephrase, "thats normal for Tesla and their stupid alignment specs". Now I wonder if they are going to recall for alignment or release a TSB for that bolt...
If you want to read more about this issue, follow these threads, especially the last 3 weeks of posts:
This thread has a lot of good info.
specifically, these posts:
New bolts to adjust camber:
Hunter wrong specs:
this is an older thread with lots of info about the negative camber (but not up to date with the new "camber adjustment bolt":
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