We're up to Terraform 0.12.30 on the way to 0.13.x, and need to make this module definition for AWS elb resource. Currently, we have:
dynamic "listener" {
for_each = var.listeners
content {
instance_port = listener.value.instance_port
instance_protocol = listener.value.instance_protocol
lb_port = listener.value.lb_port
lb_protocol = listener.value.lb_protocol
But if our listener has SSL cert, we need to use:
dynamic "listener" {
for_each = var.listeners
content {
instance_port = listener.value.instance_port
instance_protocol = listener.value.instance_protocol
lb_port = listener.value.lb_port
lb_protocol = listener.value.lb_protocol
ssl_certificate_id = listener.value.ssl_certificate_id
Which, of course will not work if there is no ssl_certificate_id in the non-ssl case. What would be the appropriate syntax for a conditional in the content block?