Terracotta issue

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Sep 26, 2018, 9:54:48 AM9/26/18
to terracotta-oss
  1. What version of Terracotta Server you are currently using;
  2. Paste the configuration you are using;
  3. Providing JDK and OS versions maybe useful as well.


Receiving the below error while connecting to terracotta from webmethods. we are using 3.5.4.

et.sf.ehcache.CacheException: Unable to load class net.sf.ehcache.terracotta.ExpressEnterpriseTerracottaClusteredInstanceFactory. Initial cause was java.lang.RuntimeException: com.tc.config.schema.setup.ConfigurationSetupException: *************************** The configuration data in the base configuration from server at 'xxx.xxx.x.x.:111' does not obey the Terracotta schema: [0]: Line 10, column 5: Attribute not allowed (no wildcards allowed): secure in element servers *************************** : java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.tc.config.schema.setup.ConfigurationSetupException: *************************** The configuration data in the base configuration from server at 'xxx.xxx.x.x.:11' does not obey the Terracotta schema: [0]: Line 10, column 5: Attribute not allowed (no wildcards allowed): secure in element servers *************************** 

Thanks for your support.
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