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OHIE-Terminology Service Call 2/11

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Thomas, Jamie

Feb 9, 2015, 8:53:08 AM2/9/15

Hi All,


Reminder that we are having an OHIE-Terminology Service community call Wednesday, February 11th at 10:00am ET.




·         Running DTS in a server environment – Ryan Y.

·         OHIE terminology starter set and its relationship to CIEL, OCL, OMOP, etc. - Andy

·         Continue discussion around starter set for OHIE release



How to join the call:

US Toll-Free: 1.800.220.9875

Canada Toll-Free: 1.800.221.8656

Ireland Toll-Free: 1.800.625.002

S.A. Toll-Free: 0.800.982.555

International (Not Toll-Free): 1.302.709.8332

Access Code: 20486132#

*(see other time zones)


Also the day of the call please go to the OHIE-TS Community call page and select today’s meeting to sign yourself into the meeting. (*You will also find the agenda and minutes from previous meetings.)


If you have any questions about the OpenHIE Terminology Service calls please email



Jamie Thomas | Global Health Communications Specialist

Regenstrief Institute, Inc. | ph: 317.274.9218 | Skype: jamie.thomas5670 |


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Thomas, Jamie

Feb 11, 2015, 8:37:41 AM2/11/15

Reminder we have an OHIE-TS call schedule today, see details below.


Thank you,

Jamie Thomas

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