Time to decide the time table.

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Jul 7, 2010, 12:02:47 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Hello all,
We will be kick off with the scripting 101 series very soon, before
that we need to know your level of expertise in each and what time and
day with respect to GMT are each of you free.
Based on which we can decide a time table and set the syllabus, if
anyone already experienced and have a syllabus plan can share there
ideas and thoughts.


Jul 7, 2010, 12:22:12 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Do you want us to reply in this thread? Or should there be a
spreadsheet for skill, GMT, and time?

chris larson

Jul 7, 2010, 1:04:17 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
I am available before 7:00 pm GMT (12pm PST), with more leeway during the weekends.

My experience includes a good deal of C++, with some Unix thrown in.  I have covered all of the basics in classwork, but am interested in socket-network programming and more real world applicable scripting. 

Dylan Dahl

Jul 7, 2010, 1:35:46 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
I have pretty much zero experience in any coding/scripting. Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends work best for me. PST (GMT-8)


Jul 7, 2010, 1:37:52 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Reply to this post itself is ok, as it would be easy and transparent
for other also to adjust there timings, as most of them wanted live
sessions, it would be easy to decide time and date in unison.

John Hobin

Jul 7, 2010, 2:16:08 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Pretty well versed in C++. As far as scripting is concerned. Some bash and perl. 
Any reasonable hour in PDT. As there are hundreds of other people added to this class with different schedules and time zones  it seems it may be rather difficult to have a live class. 


Jul 7, 2010, 2:40:42 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Very true, John Hobin, lets see all the users response and decide
different batches of live sessions, or set a most flexible timing on
weekend and for those who couldn't make it to the live sessions, can
go through videos, logs and even notes, is the current plan, any new
suggestion is always welcomed.


Jul 7, 2010, 6:22:15 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
I'm currently on holiday in Europe, I'd love something around noon (GMT) because it's just way too hot to go outside. That or late at night (as in, 10-11pm GMT). Weekdays or weekend, I don't care.

Hope this helps.

Matthew Hughes

Jul 7, 2010, 8:20:55 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com

I'm a beginner in C and I'm playing around with PHP at the moment. Usually,
any time after 5pm GMT is good.



Jul 7, 2010, 8:33:35 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I am a recent graduate from a small liberal arts school (degree in
both comp sci and psychology) and my experience is mostly in Java but
I have dabbled in a few other languages in my free time (not much in
the way of c/c++ tho). I would love to do the classes in the evening
if possible as I am currently working 8 - 5 during the week

*** accidentally posted a new post instead of replying, my bad :/


Jul 7, 2010, 9:56:36 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I've taken class in C/C++ this last semester.
As far as scripting, I use to code in PHP a lot. Other than that, I've
messed with JS, lua, etc. but not enough to where I know any of them
very well.

I'm free during the day EST (GMT-5

On Jul 7, 12:02 am, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

Zeshan Hussain

Jul 7, 2010, 11:21:55 AM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Anywhere during the weekend would be great EST (GMT -5). Also, I don't have much experience in scripting. Thanks!! 

krishna chaitanya vemprala

Jul 7, 2010, 12:15:07 PM7/7/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Have little experience in scripting but never gone beyond the basics. Any time free in the weekend. But I can adjust to any timings the group decides.

Krishna Chaitanya Vemprala

Jon Camp

Jul 7, 2010, 1:16:36 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I'm decently familiar with bash and python and not all in php, perl,
or ruby. I've accomplished several tasks in the past through python
and bash but I'd like for it to become second nature and just an
extension of myself. I'm USA East so I'm good to meet anytime from
2100h - 0400h GMT Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri and 1200h - 0400h GTM Sat, Sun.


Jul 7, 2010, 1:38:17 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101

On Jul 7, 9:02 am, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:
> we need to know your level of expertise in each and what time and
> day with respect to GMT are each of you free.

I'm good with C/C++. Somewhat experienced with Perl, shell (bash,
ksh). Familiar with Python, Java. Would like to know more on Python,
ruby, JS.
I'm in Asia, I'm ok with timing - 8.30 - 11 pm EST any day for online
sessions. I'd prefer recorded sessions, documents, exercises, and
discussions on the board.


Jul 7, 2010, 1:38:48 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I am a recent Electrical engineering graduate, now entering grad
school. I have some experience with C, Java, and Assembly, but I'm
pretty much a complete beginner to scripting. I am free for the next
month or so, so I can adjust to whatever time the group decides.

Brendan Seaman

Jul 7, 2010, 1:49:14 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Advanced in PHP, but a complete novice at everything else. I'll
probably have to end up following the recorded version of the class as
I'm fairly busy with work most every day, but if any time had to work
i guess it would be weekends GMT 8pm - 8am.

On Jul 6, 9:02 pm, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:


Jul 7, 2010, 2:43:16 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
little experience with c# none with scripting.
I will have to follow up the recorded version thats for sure. i guess
any hour would be suitable for me (:

Joe McKenney

Jul 7, 2010, 4:44:16 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I have experience with C++ and java but no scripting background.
Weekends would be best, perhaps sunday anytime. EST.

On Jul 7, 12:02 am, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:


Jul 7, 2010, 4:46:13 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Took a C\Unix class in my Comp Sci major, so I have a little bit of
experience with scripting.

Best times for me are 1-7 AM GMT on weekdays and anytime on weekends.


Jul 7, 2010, 7:23:22 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I have some experience with C and I have the fundamentals of bash and
python. Weekends and weekday evenings work for me.

On Jul 7, 12:02 am, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:

Costa Bob

Jul 7, 2010, 9:20:35 PM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
Some python, ruby, and bash, but no advanced techniques and no formal
Anytime after 9PM CST would be great for me.


Jul 8, 2010, 1:33:42 AM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
I've had classes in C and Java a long time ago. I tinker with
Javascript from time to time.

11pm - 2am GMT would be preferable for me.

Adam Housman

Jul 8, 2010, 11:07:27 AM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
8PM - 11PM EST is best for me, but I don't have any qualms with
catching up with recorded sessions.

I have experience in C++, PHP, Javascript, and some very, very basic
Linux shell scripting.


Jul 8, 2010, 12:02:36 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
best time would be after 7pm ET and i have some experience with c++
and c

On Jul 7, 12:02 am, g33k <hemanth...@gmail.com> wrote:


Jul 8, 2010, 5:08:18 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
I have had a lot of OOP experience but need to get into scripting (and
can teach those who might be interested). I am looking to learn PHP,
JavaScript for online use and get into python, ruby and bash for other

Working with a group would motivate me hence here I am! After 7.00pm
EST works for me too.

David Esteves

Jul 8, 2010, 5:15:10 PM7/8/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Best times for me would be between 5pm-11pm GMT mon-fri or anytime between 9am-11pm saturday and sunday. I have experience in java and .net mostly. I'd be fine with downloading the class if the time doesn't suit mine.

Kid Fresh

Jul 8, 2010, 6:41:39 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
Honestly The weekend would be better. I have coded in PHP doing basic
input output and sql query but i would like to deve deeper


Jul 8, 2010, 7:05:34 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
Hey everyone!
I have some knowledge of basic Python and C.
My timezone is GMT +2, and anytime on weekends is OK for me. I have a
question tho: Will the video sessions be recorded and uploaded
somewhere, so people who couldn't get in time could watch them?


Jul 8, 2010, 7:24:16 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
I've worked with bash scripting before, have knowledge with perl and
know basic C
Not sure when I'll be available, starting a new job and returning to
school part time

Tin Nguyen

Jul 8, 2010, 8:01:58 PM7/8/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
I agree with Radiant. this would probably be a lot better. may kill
your upload bandwidth. but if its possible this would be greatly

Adventurous Clockmaker

Jul 8, 2010, 10:44:59 PM7/8/10
to Scripting 101
after 8pm est.. that works. or before, as long as there's recorded

John Hobin

Jul 9, 2010, 1:32:52 AM7/9/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Why don't the recorded videos be uploaded to youtube....

Tin Nguyen

Jul 9, 2010, 1:34:34 AM7/9/10
to terminal...@googlegroups.com
Better service than youtube no advertising and higher resolution and
space available.


Jul 7, 2010, 10:30:23 AM7/7/10
to Scripting 101
I have very little coding experience, however, I am also realizing my
schedule is already pretty full. I will wait to see what you guys
announce and see if that works or not. If I can just passively get the
instruction and direction that'd be straight too.
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