Is the Text2textCopyableTokens problem for summarization? If so, what to put for 'extra_label'?

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Santosh Gupta

Jul 17, 2019, 12:19:00 AM7/17/19
to tensor2tensor
I noticed that there's a file in the data_generators folder named "" which has this description:

"""Data generator for pointer-generator for word transformer."""

And pointer-generators are usually summarization. If it is for summarization, what format does the data need to be in?

'generate_samples' is not defined. But since it inherits from the `Text2textTmpdirTokens' ,

whose generate_samples inherits from Text2textTmpdir, whose 'generate_samples' function returns the 'text2text_txt_iterator' function. Functions returns 'yield {"inputs": inputs, "targets": targets, "extra_label": [extra_label]}'

I am confused by the 'extra_label' part.

The inputs is given by txt_line_iterator, which seems to be the raw text. But I am confused with the targets, which are given by txt_and_label_iterator, and yield both 'targets' and 'extra_label'

Lukasz Kaiser

Jul 18, 2019, 4:26:17 PM7/18/19
to Santosh Gupta, tensor2tensor
I must admit I'm not sure what problem this file is about, does anyone know?

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