Fwd: Decision from PLoS Computational Biology (PCOMPBIOL-D-11-00820R1 )

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Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio

Jul 29, 2011, 11:56:30 AM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com, Lars Juhl Jensen
Hello people,
congratulations to everybody!! We have done it!! The paper has been accepted!!
It should be published online soon. If you ever pass by here in
Barcelona, I will invite you chocolates :-)


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: PLoS Computational Biology <plosco...@plos.org>
Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:19 PM
Subject: Decision from PLoS Computational Biology (PCOMPBIOL-D-11-00820R1 )
To: Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio <dallo...@gmail.com>

Dear Dr. Dall'Olio,

We are pleased to inform you that we will be delighted to publish your
manuscript, 'Ten Simple Rules for Getting Help from Online Scientific
Communities', in PLoS Computational Biology. However, before your
manuscript can be formally accepted and passed on to the PLoS
Production Department, you will be contacted with some final requests
regarding the manuscript files.

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have one final opportunity to correct any errors when our Production
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manuscript created by the online submission system for any errors.

* LaTeX authors: someone from our Production Department will ask you
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Guidelines, http://www.ploscompbiol.org/static/latexGuidelines.action,
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If your institution or funding agency is interested in promoting your
findings, please ask them to coordinate their releases with PLoS
(contact plosco...@plos.org).

Thank you again for supporting open access publishing. We look forward
to publishing your paper in PLoS Computational Biology.


Philip Bourne
PLoS Computational Biology

Giovanni Dall'Olio, phd student
Department of Biologia Evolutiva at CEXS-UPF (Barcelona, Spain)

My blog on bioinformatics: http://bioinfoblog.it

Kevin L. Keys

Jul 29, 2011, 11:59:27 AM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com
hehe "Dr. Dall'Olio" ... ¡felicitaciones Dr. D'O!
estaré en BCN a fines de agosto...

2011/7/29 Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio <dallo...@gmail.com>

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Kevin L. Keys

A bit beyond perception's reach
I sometimes believe I see
that Life is two locked boxes, each
containing the other's key.
~Piet Hein

Melanie Stefan

Jul 29, 2011, 1:10:40 PM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com, Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio, Lars Juhl Jensen
Awesome! Well done everybody, and especially Giovanni! It's been a
pleasure working with you guys.

Colin Gillespie

Jul 29, 2011, 1:12:13 PM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com

Great news.

Many thanks


Khader Shameer

Jul 29, 2011, 3:35:52 PM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com
Awesome new Giovanni:
Congratulations to whole team !!

Pierre Poulain

Jul 29, 2011, 5:14:18 PM7/29/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com
Congrats everyone.
This was definitely a nice experience.


Dr. Pierre Poulain
DSIMB team
Inserm U665 and Univ. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France


Jul 30, 2011, 8:05:54 AM7/30/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com
felicidades. giovanni !!!!!

has hecho un gran trabajo.


-----Mensaje Original-----
De Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio <dallo...@gmail.com>
Enviado Vie 29/07/2011 05:56 PM
Para ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com; Lars Juhl Jensen <lars.juh...@gmail.com>
Asunto [ten-rules] Fwd: Decision from PLoS Computational Biology (PCOMPBIOL-D-11-00820R1 )


Dear Dr. Dall'Olio,




Aug 1, 2011, 2:49:09 PM8/1/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com

2011/7/30 Jaume BERTRANPETIT BUSQUETS <jaume.ber...@upf.edu>
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