The example posted by Marino can be a good start:
Dear all, I am experiencing some troubles with the purification of my
protein from E.coli. During the washing step with 50mM imidazole I
loose quite a lot of protein. Now, I know that this concentration of
imidazole is quite high, but if I use less I have more contaminants in
my elution. Therefore I ask you if you have an idea of how to solve
this little problem. Thanks everyone.
For every example, we will have to provide an explanation on why it is
good or bad, specially for the bad examples.
A preliminary table is already available at:
For this last phase, I will send a second call to some mailing lists
and communities that have not been involved yet.
I think that if we can include some 10-20 examples and finish the
table, the manuscript will be more or less ready to be sent.
Giovanni Dall'Olio, phd student
Department of Biologia Evolutiva at CEXS-UPF (Barcelona, Spain)
My blog on bioinformatics:
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> I am afraid explicitly selecting set of bad questions asked by others and
> publishing it in an article without proper permission may not be a good
> idea.
I am also concerned about the right to quote people without permission.
Indeed, most mailing list archives are freely available on the web but I guess
a quote (especially for a bad example) could be "insulting" for the author
of the message.
A workaround could be to make out ourselves bad and good messages
(based on real ones).
Dr. Pierre Poulain
DSIMB team
Inserm U665 and Univ. Paris Diderot-Paris 7, France
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Dr Colin Gillespie
On 14 April 2011 19:07, Melanie Stefan <> wrote:I completely agree. It could come across as very patronising.
> Hi all,
> I agree with Khader. But on top of that, I don't even think such a table
> would be necessary or even helpful. On the contrary, I think it would verge
> on the patronising.