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J. Marino

Apr 4, 2011, 9:14:17 AM4/4/11
to ten rules for contributing to mailing lists and forums
Dear all,

I find this initiative really interesting. What do you think if we
change the title like this: "ten rules for getting help from mailing
lists and scientific communities".



Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio

Apr 4, 2011, 9:32:58 AM4/4/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com, J. Marino
Hello Jacopo,
thank you for your contributions, I have seen that you have been editing the wiki.

The discussion on the title is always open. An even better change to the title may be:
"Ten rules for getting help from mailing lists and online scientific communities" to underline that this is referring to web communities.

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Giovanni Dall'Olio, phd student
Department of Biologia Evolutiva at CEXS-UPF (Barcelona, Spain)

My blog on bioinformatics: http://bioinfoblog.it

Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio

Apr 5, 2011, 11:45:55 AM4/5/11
to ten-rules-for-contrib...@googlegroups.com
ok, suggestion accepted!!
I can't change the title in the header of the document on wikigenes, but we will keep the new title in the final version.

I like the way the document is evolving. It seems easier to read now, and more complete. These days have been a little busy for me, but I will send a summary of the changes at the end of this week.

On Mon, Apr 4, 2011 at 7:08 PM, J M <disappunto.ch@gmail.com> wrote:
My general impression is that who will read this paper is also expecting something more about the list of the online scientific communities, so I would expand a little bit the list of the web pages, for example the forum only about molecular biology, the ones about protocols, and so on... I think in the paper there are like 3-4 examples, probably we could put more (if I'm not wrong on the wiki of Pymol is also possible to post some questions).

Did you see that we are also preparing a Supplementary Table, with a list of online scientific communities?


As a reader of the paper, I had the impression that was not clear to understand what do you want to communicate with the example you have put after "rule n.0". I would rather put a good example of a question posed properly, if it is the intention of the example you put.

ok, we will work on this. The example is there to explain that often, thinking how to rephrase a problem in order to ask for help in a mailing list, can help you find the solution. This is someway related to the practice called 'Confessional Debugging' (http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/confessional_debugging).
Note that, following some comments, I switched rule #0 and #1.




2011/4/4 Giovanni Marco Dall'Olio <dallo...@gmail.com>
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