Myopic run error

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Sean Smillie

Nov 5, 2022, 7:19:36 PM11/5/22
to Temoa Project
I'm getting started using Temoa but am running into issues running it myopically. I can run the utopia file with perfect foresight just fine. When running the utopia file myopically, I get the error:

"Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2000']
no such table: LinkedTechs"

When trying to solve the OEO 9 region time series file myopically, I get a different error:

"UNIQUE constraint failed: Output_VFlow_In.regions, Output_VFlow_In.scenario, Output_VFlow_In.t_periods, Output_VFlow_In.t_season, Output_VFlow_In.t_day, Output_VFlow_In.input_comm,, Output_VFlow_In.vintage, Output_VFlow_In.output_commUNIQUE constraint failed: Output_VFlow_In.regions, Output_VFlow_In.scenario, Output_VFlow_In.t_periods, Output_VFlow_In.t_season, Output_VFlow_In.t_day, Output_VFlow_In.input_comm,, Output_VFlow_In.vintage, Output_VFlow_In.output_comm"

Any ideas what the problem is?

The full shell output is here:

(temoa-py3) PS C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa> python temoa_model\ --config=temoa_model\config_sample

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample
               Input file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia.sqlite
                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: True
             Myopic years: 1
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: glpk
   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the GLPK solver interface.
Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]

This run is myopic ...
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['1990']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_1990
               Input file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia_myopic_1990.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia.sqlite
                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: glpk
   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the GLPK solver interface.
Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    0.02] Reading data files.
[    0.05] Creating Temoa model instance.
[    0.04] Solving.
[    0.40] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2000']
no such table: LinkedTechs
Exiting Temoa ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "temoa_model\", line 275, in createAndSolve
    for k in self.solveWithoutMGA():
  File "temoa_model\", line 239, in solveWithoutMGA
    myopic_db_generator_solver ( self )
  File "temoa_model\", line 167, in myopic_db_generator_solver
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: LinkedTechs
(temoa-py3) PS C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa> python temoa_model\ --config=temoa_model\config_test_9R

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_test_9R
               Input file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite
                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: True
             Myopic years: 1
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: glpk
   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the GLPK solver interface.
Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]

This run is myopic ...
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2020']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2020
               Input file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\ssmil\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\temoa_utopia.sqlite
                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: glpk
   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the GLPK solver interface.
Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    0.02] Reading data files.
[    0.10] Creating Temoa model instance.
[    0.18] Solving.
[        ] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.Exception found in solve_temoa_instance
UNIQUE constraint failed: Output_VFlow_In.regions, Output_VFlow_In.scenario, Output_VFlow_In.t_periods, Output_VFlow_In.t_season, Output_VFlow_In.t_day, Output_VFlow_In.input_comm,, Output_VFlow_In.vintage, Output_VFlow_In.output_commUNIQUE constraint failed: Output_VFlow_In.regions, Output_VFlow_In.scenario, Output_VFlow_In.t_periods, Output_VFlow_In.t_season, Output_VFlow_In.t_day, Output_VFlow_In.input_comm,, Output_VFlow_In.vintage, Output_VFlow_In.output_comm
Exiting Temoa ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "temoa_model\", line 275, in createAndSolve
    for k in self.solveWithoutMGA():
  File "temoa_model\", line 247, in solveWithoutMGA
    for k in temoaInstance1.solve_temoa_instance():
  File "temoa_model\", line 417, in solve_temoa_instance
    raise model_exc
  File "temoa_model\", line 396, in solve_temoa_instance
    formatted_results = pformat_results( self.instance, self.result, self.options )
  File "temoa_model\", line 533, in pformat_results
sqlite3.IntegrityError: UNIQUE constraint failed: Output_VFlow_In.regions, Output_VFlow_In.scenario, Output_VFlow_In.t_periods, Output_VFlow_In.t_season, Output_VFlow_In.t_day, Output_VFlow_In.input_comm,, Output_VFlow_In.vintage, Output_VFlow_In.output_comm
[WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'C:\\Users\\ssmil\\Documents\\GitHub\\temoa\\data_files\\US_9R_TS_myopic_2020.dat'
Exiting Temoa ...
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "temoa_model\", line 275, in createAndSolve
    for k in self.solveWithoutMGA():
  File "temoa_model\", line 239, in solveWithoutMGA
    myopic_db_generator_solver ( self )
  File "temoa_model\", line 402, in myopic_db_generator_solver
    os.remove(os.path.join(self.options.path_to_data, db_name) +new_myopic_name+".dat")
FileNotFoundError: [WinError 2] The system cannot find the file specified: 'C:\\Users\\ssmil\\Documents\\GitHub\\temoa\\data_files\\US_9R_TS_myopic_2020.dat'

Temoa Project

Nov 6, 2022, 9:28:52 AM11/6/22
to Temoa Project
Hi Sean,

1) I just added a LinkedTechs table to temoa_utopia. Could you try re-running the model now?
2) I notice that your config file isn't called config_sample: for the myopic formulation, you'll need to ensure it is. Could you re-test this and let us know as well?


Sean Smillie

Nov 7, 2022, 6:01:38 PM11/7/22
to Temoa Project
Thanks for the help Aranya.

1) temoa_utopia runs fine now.
2) I've switched to config_sample for myopic runs. US_9R_TS still has an issue where many years don't find a solution. With myopic years=1, 2025 to 2045 give an error code of "No solution found". With myopic years=2, more periods solve but many still don't.

I'll mostly use the 8 day representation for my work, and am largely running the TS models to check my setup on a faster running model, so having the TS myopic runs working isn't critical for me. That being said, I can imagine the TS representations will be useful to run on versions of the model and OEO files as I'm modifying them to quick check my changes are working.


Full shell output:

(temoa-py3) PS C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa> python temoa_model\ --config=temoa_model\config_sample

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: True
             Myopic years: 1
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]

This run is myopic ...
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2020']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2020
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2020.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    6.02] Reading data files.
[   45.69] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   23.31] Solving.
[   48.09] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2025']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2025
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2025.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    6.86] Reading data files.
[   54.78] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   29.26] Solving.
[   34.23] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2030']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2030
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2030.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    6.50] Reading data files.
[   52.17] Creating Temoa model instance.
[  119.77] Solving.
[  124.30] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2035']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2035
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2035.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    6.05] Reading data files.
[   47.28] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   54.30] Solving.
[   58.51] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2040']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2040
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2040.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    5.80] Reading data files.
[   45.64] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   38.17] Solving.
[   42.16] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2045']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2045
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2045.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    5.75] Reading data files.
[   44.97] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   25.89] Solving.
[   25.89] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2050']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2050
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2050.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    5.67] Reading data files.
[   43.89] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   61.20] Solving.
[   81.11] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.

(temoa-py3) PS C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa> python temoa_model\ --config=temoa_model\config_sample

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: True
             Myopic years: 2

  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]

This run is myopic ...
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2020', '2025']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2020_2025
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2020_2025.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[    9.44] Reading data files.
[  111.11] Creating Temoa model instance.
[   75.31] Solving.
[  125.91] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2025', '2030']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2025_2030
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2025_2030.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[   10.81] Reading data files.
[  132.55] Creating Temoa model instance.
[  250.14] Solving.
[  312.23] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2030', '2035']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2030_2035
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2030_2035.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[   11.00] Reading data files.
[  136.97] Creating Temoa model instance.
[ 1565.96] Solving.
[ 1578.16] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2035', '2040']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2035_2040
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2035_2040.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[   10.48] Reading data files.
[  129.99] Creating Temoa model instance.
[  863.15] Solving.
[  874.70] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
No solution found.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2040', '2045']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2040_2045
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2040_2045.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[   10.14] Reading data files.
[  123.40] Creating Temoa model instance.
[ 2793.87] Solving.
[ 2841.13] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.
Preparing the database for the period(s): ['2045', '2050']

1 .db DD file(s) converted

              Config file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\temoa_model\config_sample_myopic_2045_2050
               Input file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS_myopic_2045_2050.dat
              Output file: C:\Users\Sean\Documents\GitHub\temoa\data_files\US_9R_TS.sqlite

                 Scenario: test_run
       Spreadsheet output: True
            Myopic scheme: False
             Myopic years: 0
  Retain myopic databases: False

   Citation output status: None
              NEOS status: False
    Version output status: False

   Selected solver status: cplex

   Solver LP write status: False
    Pyomo LP write status: False

          MGA slack value: None
      MGA # of iterations: None
     MGA weighting method: None
**NOTE: If you are performing MGA runs, navigate to the DAT file and make any modifications to the MGA sets before proceeding.
Please press enter to continue or Ctrl+C to quit.
Notice: Using the CPLEX solver interface.

Continue Operation? [Press enter to continue or CTRL+C to abort]
[   11.02] Reading data files.
[  132.80] Creating Temoa model instance.
[  112.70] Solving.
[  168.44] Calculating reporting variables and formatting results.

Temoa Project

Nov 9, 2022, 11:55:03 AM11/9/22
to Temoa Project
Hi Sean,

Thanks for bringing up the error with the TS database. We have some hypotheses about why that could happen (e.g., numerical issues) and will look into it shortly. Meanwhile, we've tested by running US_9R_TS in perfect foresight mode: which seems to work well. Hopefully, that might be easier to use for some testing on your end as well.


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