I've started using Tellurium recently for some caulcuations I had to do for a paper.
The kind a recation I have to with are as follows:
I immediately appreciated the speed of simulation.
The code I use, when R(A) = Rc a, is the following:
import tellurium as te
import numpy as np
r = te.loada(' -> A; k1; k1 = 1; A = 0; A ->; Gamma_A*A; Gamma_A=0.1; -> B; Rc*A; Rc = 1; B = 0; B ->; Gamma_B*B; Gamma_B=1;')
r.integrator = 'gillespie'
r.integrator.setValue('variable_step_size', True)
#r.integrator.seed = 1234
results = []
for k in range(1, 10):
s = r.simulate(0, 1000)
I have a question however regarding how and if parallesim is implemented for the gillespie integrator:
Is each trajectory on each core? If otherwise - as I suspect since I saw the load of only 1 of my cores go to 100% - is there any way to make use of all N cores?
Morever, my reasoning maybe flawed somehow for reasons unknown to me, if so how?
Thank you all in advance.
Kind regards,