Be happy, be yourself

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Chao Chai Khamdai

May 22, 2010, 8:15:15 PM5/22/10
to Google 8TEFL

Dear All,

    Please enjoy this article happily!

Be happy, be yourself


A good way to be happy is to learn common characteristics of happy persons and apply them.
Nobody is happy all the time we all have our own moods and feelings. But try to be as healthy as you can. Nothing makes you happier than being in good health.
Some may have lot of money but they may not be as happy as some poor people who live happily with their families.
Friends can make us happy. Keep close connections with your relatives and have a small circle of good friends. Be politely assertive. Say how you feel and explain what you want. Friends and colleagues are not mind readers.
Take a lot of photographs. You'd love looking at old friends in happy times.
Express your affection, appreciation, friendship and warmth to those around you, and they will respond in the most amazing ways!
Conversely, if there are persons in your life whose influence in negative and who are dragging you down don't be afraid to remove such persons.
Smile a lot.
Smiles make you miles better. It will also make others smile. Wear a smile. It doesn't cost you any money! Hear a joke, tell a joke, laugh at yourself, laugh with your friends and family and co-workers.
Do things like visiting an art gallery or a Museum. You'll probably surprise yourself how much you enjoyed it.
Do something creative. This could be writing store or a poem; may as well painting or learning to play musical instrument. It could be gardening or growing vegetables.
Give lots of compliments. You will make others feel good about themselves and find that this gives you pleasure too. Give small gifts to your friends. To give is even more pleasurable than to receive. If you remember your close friend's birthdays do not hesitate to wish them.
To be happy you should have freedom and the most essential freedom is the freedom to choose. No matter how bad a situation is, you can always choose how you reponed to it.
If you are a woman, get your hair done. This will always make you feel better about yourself.
Stay close to nature. Nature can change your mood. Have flowers and plants in your garden and love them. Spend time in a park. Take a walk in the countryside.
Go to the beach. Observe the night sky. These things make you happy indeed.
Have a favourite television program. Go to movies with your lover, friend or family members sometimes.
Work hard. One of the great sources of happiness is to do work that is worthy of you and to do it well.
Forget bad memories. You won't be happy if you carry your past burdens. If you had made mistakes or if you had had terrible experiences you must let them go. There's nothing you can do about the past. So better focus your energy on the present.
You can only be happy if you become who you are. Don't live your life trying to meet other people's expectations. People may expect you to have certain job or certain way of living but don't be intimidated by them. Be yourself.

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