Tefkat with Eclipse 3.3 and EMF 2.3

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Sep 11, 2007, 7:43:17 AM9/11/07
to Tefkat

On the download page it is recommended to run Tefkat with Eclipse 3.2
and EMF 2.2. Do you have any experiences with Eclipse 3.3 and EMF 2.3?
While developing some example transformations, I had no problems when
switching the versions. As you have further insights into the
technical details, maybe you know if the parts of the EMF-API used by
Tefkat remained stable?

Best regards

michael lawley

Sep 11, 2007, 8:38:13 AM9/11/07
to Tef...@googlegroups.com

Hi René,

Those are the recommended versions because, until very recently, they
were the versions used to develop Tefkat and thus the versions under
which is was tested. I foresee no real issues with using Eclipse 3.3
although I haven't yet closely examined the API changes that might
affect aspects of the plugins such as the editor and debugger. EMF
2.3 is a different animal though - there have been extensive changes
internally to allow support for Java generics and these are also
reflected into the ECore model. Again, I haven't looked closely at
the details yet, but as long as the models you are transforming do not
use these features and you do not expect to be able to interact with
them in a transformation, then all should be well.

If, however, you do wish to use these new aspects and run into
problems we'd be very interested in hearing about your experiences.




Sep 12, 2007, 9:36:45 AM9/12/07
to Tefkat
Hi René,

I have also been using Tefkat with EMF 2.3 and Eclipse 3.3, and they
all work fine as far as I can tell.



On 11 Sep, 22:38, "michael lawley" <mich...@lawley.id.au> wrote:

michael lawley

Sep 19, 2007, 9:41:48 AM9/19/07
to Tef...@googlegroups.com, joern. guy. suess
It turns out that Eclipse Europa (for RCP/Plugin-Developers) ships
without a couple of things that can trip up the install. As usual you
need to grab the Antlr plugin from antlreclipse.sourceforge.net but
yuo may also need to explicitly get org.eclipse.emf.ecore.editor from
the Eclipse (EMF) Update Site since it's not included with all the
other EMF stuff that comes by default. You'll probably also want to
grab the newest version (yes, two in two days!) that removes the
explicit dependency on the *feature* org.eclipse.emf.ecore (2.1 or
greater) and instead lists the required individual *plugins* since
this feature also seems to be missing.


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