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Droidcon India

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Kiran Jonnalagadda

Oct 12, 2011, 7:29:31 PM10/12/11
Hey all,

This isn't a typical TechWeekend post, so I hope it's okay to post here.

Some of you may remember us from DocType HTML5 last December. We've since run a number of events in Bangalore and will be returning to Pune this December, but more on that later.

HasGeek's next event is a big one. We're bringing Droidcon to India!

Droidcon is India's first international Android conference and a part of the worldwide Droidcon series of events. Android has been the single most successful mobile platform in the last few years and is a hotbed of innovation on hardware, software and business models. Droidcon brings together hands-on developers with various ecosystem partners. It's now the world's largest series of Android events, reaching out to thousands of developers.

Droidcon India will be on 18 & 19 November 2011 in Bangalore. We're hosted at the MLR Convention Centre in Whitefield, a new facility that is equipped with top notch infrastructure including an 800+ seater auditorium, 500-seater hall, breakout rooms for smaller discussions, and a large exhibition area.

Droidcon India follows HasGeek's typical model of participant-driven selection of sessions. Session proposals are currently being accepted at tickets are available from Early Geek pricing expires this weekend.

Event website:

We'll have a new website up this weekend. If you've liked what we've built for previous events, this one's taking it a notch higher!


PS: Previous event websites:

The source code for each of these websites is up at and available under a BSD license. (We're working on releasing the artwork as well.)

Kiran Jonnalagadda
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