Hello folks,
If you’ve ever wondered how to add more data and entries to Wikipedia, and to level up in your use of it for research, then Saturday, 18 March is your chance to learn more. There will be Wikipedia Editathon’ with Wikipedia Scotland’s person in residence, Dr Sara Thomas. This is the perfect opportunity to find out more about using linked data (Sparql) to query WikiData and use other tools to build on the vast quantities of data that is available there.
This is running alongside the hybrid weekend long Code the City hack/co-design event at ONE Tech Hub focusing on ‘connections’. Find out more about some of the proposed projects (and add your own) , and get tickets at https://codethecity.org/CTC28/
I hope to see some of you there.
Dr. Bruce Scharlau
Dept. of Computing Science
Meston Building, Room 225
University of Aberdeen
Aberdeen AB24 3UE
01224 272193