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[Job] Python Software Developer @ Open Data Services (UK Remote)

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James Baster

May 19, 2023, 10:19:53 AM5/19/23
to Tech Meetup
We’re hiring a Python Software Developer!

:spiral_calendar: Applications close 6pm, 12th June 2023
:moneybag: £43,120 p.a. + profit share
:globe_with_meridians: UK based remote team

Joining our team means you’ll contribute to our mission to help people use data to deliver social impact. Since 2015, we’ve worked on projects that have made a difference – like finding out who owns and controls companies, making public procurement more open, and tracking international aid spending.

We’re a worker co-op, which means we’re owned and run by the people who work here. Together, we’re committed to building a world-class organisation that delivers benefits to our team, our clients, and the world we live in. We care about creating a good work/life balance, and work to build an environment where everyone’s unique experiences are welcomed, valued, and appreciated.

To read the full job description :point_down:


Open Data Services Co-operative Limited is a company limited by shares, operated as a Workers' Co-operative
Registered in England. Company number: 09506232
1st Floor, Holyoake House, Hanover Street, Manchester, Greater Manchester, M60 0AS
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