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Techmettup Glasgow Wednesday 4th October from 18:00

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Douglas McCallum

Oct 1, 2023, 6:20:24 PM10/1/23
to Tech Meetup
Join us at our new venue of Civic House 26 Civic Street Glasgow G4 9RH on the first Wednesday of October for two talks on tech with drinks and pizza.

This month the talks are:

Lewis Shearer on How I build a full-stack application using Tensorflow and Firebase.

Over the course of the past year, he developed an application that uses facial recognition technology for the purpose of recording attendance. This project involved a tech stack, primarily centered around Firebase and TensorFlow.

Arran Edwards on why your monolithic application doesn't need moving to microservices.

Arron explores why a monolithic application is perfectly fine for a scaling business and why a microservice application architecture might slow down your speed to market and cost you sales opportunities.

Tickets and event details can be found at:

By registering for a ticket you give us an idea of how much pizza to order. All are welcome and there is no requirement to have any level of tech knowledge to attend, just a desire to learn. Come and network and learn something.

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