Iframes work on our dev site, using a widget:
http://www.whatissustainability.org/User_talk:RichardF#WidgetsIt seems like a pretty big feature to add - effectively the same as "
ScaryTransclusion" but maybe works better. It has advantages if we use it on the live site (letting organization pages show their own homepage, displaying external forum discussions within Appropedia, if we want the community to be aware...).
Are there security concerns? The one thing that concerns me is that it makes it much easier for someone (e.g. a vandal) to display inappropriate content. It also makes it easier to remove, but it could make for slightly more work, checking that transcluded pages really are legitimate. I'm thinking for example of a clever spoof sites from the Yes Men, where you have to look closely to realize it's not really a World Bank site.
So, iframes... safe? Useful?
Chris Watkins
Appropedia.org - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.