Thank you to all

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Chris Watkins

Jan 21, 2010, 12:28:48 AM1/21/10
to Appropedia community, Tech for Sustainability Wikis
I want to say a big thank you to the contributors who make Appropedia possible, from 2006 to 2009 and now as we shift up a gear in 2010.

I've seen some familiar names pop up again and again. I know I'm missing a lot of valuable contributors, but I want to mention some names that I've seen and interacted with recently - examples rather than a complete list:

The students of Joshua Pearce, Lonny Grafman, and other educators - I can tell when a new class is starting by all the new pages in the RecentChanges feed.

KVDP has been translating aswell as writing lots of original content. In amongst it we've had discussions & disagreements about the form things should take, and he's been able to compromise and work with others. This is the kind of thing that makes a wiki work. Joe Raftery joined us in 2009, and I've seen his name often in RecentChanges, making new pages, adapting others, and helping to clear up license issues.

There are a number of tech people who've given us help and advice about the site, fixing and improving it. This includes Mel Chua, Steve Lee from AIDG, Jason Smithson and Will Dickinson - and of course Lonny who's taken the brunt of the work, on call day and night.

There are people in our community who've been spreading the word about Appropedia, explaining and advocating for our work. I've seen Lucas González, Vinay Gupta and Mamading Ceesay do this, and they've attended events and talked about the difference we're making. Every now and then I here of someone, somewhere explaining what Appropedia is about, and why it matters, by tongue, email or blog. It all counts.

And Lonny and Curt - I'm aware of the enormous amount of energy they put into Appropedia, mostly in unseen ways.

To all of you, and to the many more I haven't mentioned: Thank you! You keep me inspired. Have a great year in 2010 and I look forward to our continued work together.

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.
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