Sunday, online: Coalition Movement Camp II: Connecting the Dots

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Chris Watkins

Nov 12, 2010, 10:51:27 AM11/12/10
to Appropedia community, Tech for Sustainability Wikis
This is the next stage in the "Coalition of the Willing" movement.

If you believe in collaboration to tackle climate change, you might want to be a part of this.

Coalition Movement Camp II: Connecting the Dots

November 14, 2010, 7-11pm GMT. See start time in cities around the world
The Coalition Movement Camp series brings new players and possibilities into view and allows us to connect the dots between them. Our goal is to consolidate our collective powers and prepare for a collaborative web development project unlike anything the world has seen.

The inaugural Coalition Movement Camp took place on October 10, 2010. Participants included representatives of Appropedia, OpenKollab, Metacurrency, 350, Dadamac, CoopAgora, JAK Bank, GreenTribe, and Gaia10. For eight hours, we brainstormed ideas towards a new generation of internet platforms and collaborative strategies for the climate crisis. Details of the 10/10/10 Coalition Movement Camp can be found on the Coalition blog (,

On November 14, 2010, the conversation continues.

Why are we doing this?

• The world is warming. Satellite records show that in the past two decades, the process of warming has sped up. 2010 is on track to be the warmest year on record.
• Without drastic action, we risk temperature rises of 6°C or more by the end of this century. This would be a catastrophe.
• Yet the international community is ill-prepared, if not unwilling, to reign in carbon emissions to prevent this outcome.

We have no choice but to try a new approach.

We propose using new internet tools and a renewed commitment to interoperability and collaboration to creatively impact this situation and turn it around.

The internet is rapidly evolving from a place for sharing information to a place for collaboration and co-creation. How easy it should be, given the money, talent, and need in the world, to build an online network that enables the best people from about the world to collaborate on climate action solutions.

This is our vision. It is neither radical nor extreme. It is necessary, plain and simple.

Join us on November 14, 2010, as we continue this world-changing adventure. The venue is an open collaboration staging area: There will be sessions devoted to BetterMeans/Open Enterprise Manifesto, the Global Innovation Commons, and more. You’ll be able to upload image and video files and contribute to real time chat. There will be live interviews and webcasts, with an audio stream component for participants in low-bandwidth zones. Our facilitators will work to summarize developments and keep you up to speed.

Coalition Movement Camp II: Connecting the Dots will run from 2.00pm to 6pm EDT. International start times: 7.00pm London, 11.00am Los Angeles, 2.00pm NYC, 6.00am Sydney (Nov 15). Enlist here: (Local Start Times:

If you’d like to send a video shout out or presentation to Coalition Movement Camp participants, we welcome pre-recorded content. Please submit links to Vimeo or Youtube content by Friday November 12, 5.00pm Los Angeles time, and we’ll include suitable material on the Coalition Movement Camp blog. Submit these to: tropology at gmail dot com. Submitted content should include a summary paragraph, with links to more information.

If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and join in this work, see the Coalition Portal for an orientation:

The above message is based on the linked post on the Coalition Blog, and thus licensed as

Chris Watkins - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

James Flint

Nov 13, 2010, 10:14:06 AM11/13/10
to, Appropedia community
hi chris - 

this looks exciting. i'd love to put wikiclimate forward as one of the platforms participating in this - perhaps there's a role we can fulfill? 

any idea who i'd contact about getting added to the list of sponsors in time for tomorrow?



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James Flint

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Jason Smithson

Nov 14, 2010, 11:21:14 AM11/14/10
to, Appropedia community

There have been a couple of presenters drop out at nearly the last minute so consider yourself tentatively on the schedule. I'm just checking in to see where things are myself. We don't officially start for another 3 hours. should get you started on where things are. We are on IRC and Skype.

Will touch base again as events warrant.


- J.

Jason Michael Smithson

Chris Watkins

Nov 16, 2010, 10:45:08 PM11/16/10
to, Appropedia community
This mail got held up in the spam queue, so it's out of date - sorry!

James Flint

Nov 17, 2010, 5:20:32 AM11/17/10
to, Chris Watkins, Jason Smithson, Appropedia community
aarg - yes, i didn't get this until this morning (wednesday)!

no worries - and thanks for considering me. i did listen in to quite a bit of Sunday night's session, in between cooking dinner for my daughter; it was cool, and seemed to go pretty well after the initial problems with sonic effects settled down.

if wikiclimate can be part of this in any way, just let me know, and i'll do what i can to help!


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