uploading images with pywikipediabot

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Chris Watkins

Dec 15, 2009, 11:09:20 PM12/15/09
to Tech for Sustainability Wikis
FYI: Haven't looked into it, but sounds like it can even take images from another site, e.g. Wikicommons or Flickr.

from the irc://irc.freenode.net/pywikipediabot channel:
<Emw> OMF: as of early today UTC, i was able to upload images fine with a pywikipedia build from yesterday
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<Chriswaterguy> emw: whoa - upload images? hadn't even thought of that!
<Chriswaterguy> Is there a way to take images from another site, e.g. Wikicommons or Flickr, and upload?
<Chriswaterguy> directly I mean
<Emw> Chriswaterguy: yes, in improve.py
<Emw> see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Pywikipediabot/upload.py
<Chriswaterguy> wonderful - no time now but will tell our community about it.

Chris Watkins

Appropedia.org - Sharing knowledge to build rich, sustainable lives.

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