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Info. for ALL ELA students

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Mrs. O'Connor - ELA

Jun 16, 2015, 10:43:35 AM6/16/15

Hello, everyone – for the final time!

Today, your child will be coming home with a Summer Reading Program packet.  I’m attaching a copy for you, just in case it doesn’t arrive….…J

We spent much of class today discussing the summer reading and what is expected of those students who will be eighth-graders in the fall.  I gave the kids time to look at many of the actual books that are suggested titles for our new program.  Please peruse the information with you child tonight.  Consider helping him/her to fill in the “Wish List” page of the packet.  Then, we (the ELA department) ask that you sign the bottom of the Wish List page, and return it to me, with your child, by this Thursday, June 19. More detailed information about the title and the program can be found in the packet. 

On a personal note, I’ve very much enjoyed teaching your children this year, and I'm proud of them for the progress they have made in ELA, as well as their successful adjustment to secondary school.  One of the perks of being a seventh-grade teacher is that I get to see the kids again next year, as they wander around the building.  I'll look forward to having many of them visit the 7th grade wing!

I hope that all of you have a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable summer. It's been a pleasure working together with you this year!

Warm regards,

Allison O'C. :-)

Summer Reading 2015 Program.docx
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