Info. for Honors ELA Class

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Mrs. O'Connor - ELA

May 5, 2015, 3:27:58 PM5/5/15
Good afternoon -

A quick heads-up:

Our in-class debates will begin this Thursday, 5/7.  The "Testing on Animals" group will be that day, followed by the "Grand Theft Auto" debate team on Friday, 5/8.  Our final debate ("Cell Phones in School") will be held on Mon., 5/11.

As previously mentioned, the students are required to differentiate this event from any other classroom lesson by dressing in a professional manner.  The debate will be worth up to 100 possible points.  It would be ideal to have full attendance on each day of the debates;  it's very difficult to get a grade for those kids who are absent on the day of their debate. 

Next week, I (along with Mrs. Cameron, the 7 Blue Team ELA teacher) are planning to select (by class vote) three members of our 7 Green Honors class to debate against three members of the 7 Blue Honors class.  More on that at a future time.....

Please drop me an email with any questions/concerns.  I'm soooooo excited to watch these debates; the kids are putting a great deal of effort in their work!!

Regards -
Allison O'C.
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