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Math - Week 34!

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Mrs. Milanese - Math

May 11, 2015, 2:32:13 PM5/11/15

Hi Everyone,


General Announcements:


We are almost halfway through the 4th quarter!  Approximate averages were handed out last Friday, May 8th.  Signed averages are due no later than Wednesday, May 13th.


7 Regents–

* We are working through our last unit – Unit 6 - Geometry!  You should see a Unit 6 Notes Packet coming home daily with the homework.  This should be VERY helpful in completing homework assignments.

* Please encourage your student to SHOW THEIR WORK!  While the students MUST use their calculators for the most recent assignments involving π (pi) it DOES NOT replace their work.

* Students have been made aware weekly of the number of assignments they are missing, and have had the opportunity to come and see what they are missing to make them up.  Not many students have taken advantage of this opportunity. 

**The missing task lists are the same for the first half of the quarter.  They were provided with an approximate average and a number of missing items on Friday.  It is again the STUDENT’S responsibility to come and see us to get the names of the items they are missing.  There is space on the back of the paper to write down the missing items. 

There are many times for students to meet with us:

            - before or after class

            - during study hall

            - during lunch

            - after school

If they would like to e-mail us that would be fine as well.  Please encourage THEM to take this responsibility.

* Test Tomorrow, May 12th on Geometric Figures and Cross Sections.  The students should use the review that was started in class today to prepare for the test.

* We are available during most lunch periods and some study halls this upcoming week for extra help or test /quiz corrections. 


7 Honors–

* We are working through our second 8th grade unit: Functions.

* Many students are beginning to feel the “stress” maintaining the honors average.  I am available during most lunch periods and some study halls this week and next for extra help.  Please encourage your student to come and see me if they are struggling. 

* Quiz tomorrow on Transformations.


 Because there are two math teachers on 7 Green this year please do NOT reply to this e-mail as it only will go to one of us.  If you have any questions regarding your student please e-mail their core math teacher.  Thank you!


Have a great week!

Mrs. Milanese and Mrs. Liberta

The mission of the Wappingers Central School District is to empower all of our students with the competencies and confidence to challenge themselves, to pursue their passions, and to realize their potential while growing as responsible members of their community.


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