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Free As In Beer

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Alexander Hayes

Dec 7, 2017, 2:47:08 AM12/7/17

Open and costly.


Alexander Hayes

Peter Allen

Dec 7, 2017, 2:59:55 AM12/7/17
to teachAndLearnOnline
yeah but the wayback machine has collected up the empties. 

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Alexander Hayes

Dec 7, 2017, 3:34:53 AM12/7/17
Very true.


Alexander Hayes

On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 3:59 PM, Peter Allen <> wrote:
yeah but the wayback machine has collected up the empties. 
On Thu, Dec 7, 2017 at 6:17 PM, Alexander Hayes <> wrote:

Open and costly.


Alexander Hayes

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Vance Stevens

Dec 7, 2017, 6:02:58 AM12/7/17
to Teach and Learn Online
I had some wikispaces that were expired and I found when I contacted Wikispaces they were helpful in helping me recover the data, esp if you claim it was for educational purposes. You might try that.


Alexander Hayes

Dec 7, 2017, 7:45:59 AM12/7/17
Thats a great case for Wikispaces to consider retaining and making available 'under open access' all those resources (such as ours) that promoted their product in the first place.


Alexander Hayes

Alex P.Real

Dec 8, 2017, 11:37:38 AM12/8/17
I completely agree. At the same time I can't help wondering what happened to us (as a group of like-minded people), to the hope of a brighter (educational) future through/ linked to technology. Are we letting the neoliberal (mis) appropriation of the internet eat us up?

What about free (as in open)? OK, there ain't free food, but can't we resist the inevitability of denizenship forced upon us? Any room left other outside the stupidity & mediocrity in social media & elsewhere?

I refuse to partying in Auschwitz & likewise as the brave new normal. Do we (at least me) statistical outliers still have a right to dissent? And real critical thinking, not the sales buzzword?

Btw, Alex, I don't know if in line with your dissertation, but I've just come across an article to remote controlled sex toys as the new hype in the online sex market. It reminded me of the old Stelarc intervention, and thought you might be interested. If you are, give me a shout and will crunch up an improved Google translation (in Spanish, sorry).

Leigh, the tiny level of response isn't that surprising. I don't live in Australia, but from what I read (mainly The Conversation) I gather there are far more pressing issues than a top-down approach trying to look as community. To a certain extent it seems somewhat outside "the NOW", maybe 1990s or early 2000s (?). I tried to vote for yours, but the web didn't allow me after registering. Besides the very appropriate Virilio (his concept of vitesse is really to the point), I'd suggest revisiting Baudrillard. Simulacra are so defining of our times.

Sorry for the rant, dystopic times amidst the noise of frivolous stupidification are literally plunging me into revolution or sticking a finger into some eyes.


Alex P. Real

Alexander Hayes

Dec 9, 2017, 9:07:35 AM12/9/17
As always Alex P. Real I'm intrigued with your prose and it wanders across me eyes and I feel happier having done so. I think this is fitting at this point in time for our state or collective demoralisation.

It's great to hear from you and I'd like to revive some conversation back here as we have all seemingly achieved what we thought might happen and disappeared from the open web and into our silos of malcontent. (oh gee....thats actually quite a cool phrase...I might re-coin that again elsewhere).

"...This is truly a marvellous apogee of technocratic utopianism. Global agreement on ‘ethical, legal, and moral’ issues has been out of reach for all of recorded human civilisation, at least through the traditional means of reasoning and persuasion. Just because we might become as gods with regard to the molecular building blocks of life doesn’t mean we won’t continue to bicker and squabble. After all, that’s just what communities of gods spend most of their time doing in polytheistic mythologies. Or perhaps we are meant to read this future consensus as one propagated by morally improving chemistry. But such obligatory improvement of all citizens will be a kind of neural slavery in the service of a totalitarian liberalism. And so we come full circle: in a future of ubiquitous mandatory enhancement, the truly radical act might be, after all, to downgrade yourself."

Yes, sex bots and teledidonics have featured in my blog a few times -

There are some seriously fucked up people out there who think that technology is capable of "bringing people back together through technology".

As for the dissertation, I've been trawling through many posts that I'd made over the years and assembled them by tagging those relevant as "research" which may make for some late night light reading for you and probably a laugh or two along the way -

PS. yes...Stellarc was my painting tutor in the heady days of 1999- 2001 at Curtin University in Perth, Western Australia. I loved his work but more importantly I really enjoyed the whole scholarly debate around relational aesthetics of Nicolas Bourriaud. Here is a short paper I wrote back during my Honours year before I went into the Creative Doctorate program under Professor Ted Snell -

You might like to have a look at some of the more recent papers I've been getting into trouble with at


Alexander Hayes

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