edit to the DwC RDF Guide related to language URI recommendation

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Steve Baskauf

Oct 21, 2013, 9:46:24 PM10/21/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com
When we were finalizing the RDF Guide, I became aware that there was an
inconsistency between the recommended URI values for dcterms:language
between the RDF Guide and Audubon Core. The guide had recommended MARC
Languages URIs (http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/languages.html ), while
Audubon Core had recommended the MARC URIs based on ISO639-2 language
codes (http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2 ). I did not have a strong
opinion about which should be used, only that the recommendation should
be the same in both vocabulary documents. After some queries and
research, Bob Morris concluded that it would be better to use the
ISO639-2 URI versions. I have therefore changed the RDF Guide draft to
conform to Bob's recommendation.


Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences

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John Wieczorek

Oct 22, 2013, 10:36:30 AM10/22/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com
Yay, Bob. Thanks for the attention to detail, Steve.
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Bob Morris

Oct 22, 2013, 10:53:47 AM10/22/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com
Most of the credit is due to @TerryCatapano, who is a Digital
Librarian at Columbia University and the architect of the TaxPub and
TaxonX XML schemas for the markup of taxonomic literature. I'm
looking over his shoulder during the development of an OWL ontology
aimed at unifying at least the parts of those that are bound by the
nomenclature codes. I expect the documentation will be expressed in
the language http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/iso639-2/eng
Robert A. Morris

Emeritus Professor of Computer Science
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Harvard University.

Matt Yoder

Oct 22, 2013, 1:05:56 PM10/22/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com
Tangentially related- we released our first draft of the "NOMEN"
ontology. It needs lots of work (and more importantly documentation),
but in the interests of getting the effort out there this is likely a
good place to announce it.

http://github.com/SpeciesFileGroup/nomen, and we have a listserv at
google groups https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/nomen-discuss.

The general purpose is to encode basic logic behind nomenclatural
codes such that name "statuses" (types/classes) can be consistently
applied among taxonomic workbenches.

Feedback/questions of course more than welcome.


Hilmar Lapp

Dec 4, 2013, 12:29:20 PM12/4/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com, tdwg...@googlegroups.com
That's great Matt. Is this ready for external input, and where would you like that to go? Looks like there's no activity on the list, so maybe the issue tracker would be better?


Sent with a tap.

Matt Yoder

Dec 4, 2013, 1:04:06 PM12/4/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com, Dmitry Dmitriev
Hi Hilmar,

We certainly are ready for input, though we are still lacking the
basic documentation in the OWL file that might address early some

Regarding feedback. If it is a general question I'd use the list. If
it is, very generally, a proposal to modify the ontology itself then
use the tracker. If in doubt use the tracker.

BTW, NOMEN has been very useful to us already in terms of maintaining
internal consistency (using the reasoner we've found a couple of
mistakes), and in terms of being able to greatly simplify our
modelling (e.g. one query to determine whether a users assertions
equate to a name being valid or not).

Looking forward to the feedback,

Roderic Page

Dec 4, 2013, 1:32:26 PM12/4/13
to tdwg...@googlegroups.com, diap...@gmail.com
Hi Matt,

Might be useful to have a few examples of how to use the ontology for those of us who are doing our best to run away from RDF and OWL ;)

For example, I have lots of articles from the of Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature extracted from BHL  and sitting in BioStor (see http://biostor.org/issn/0007-5167 ). It would be useful to have examples of how one could represent the contents of, say Opinion 1830 http://biostor.org/reference/5512 This Opinion changed the spelling of Caeciliidae Kolbe 1880 <urn:lsid:organismnames.com:name:457703> to Caeciliusidae Kolbe 1880<urn:lsid:organismnames.com:name:1069515> to avoid a clash with Caeciliidae Rafinesque 1814<urn:lsid:organismnames.com:name:645872>.

The other question is how does this relate to the TDWG LSID vocabulary? If I have, say, LSID metadata for the above names (which I do), does the NOMEN ontology essentially exist independently (in other words, do I end up assessing that a name is both a TDWG LSID TaxonName and a “ICZN Name”?).


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