FW: Failure

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Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 6, 2010, 12:19:34 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com


Right – Unbeknownst to me, Larson had sealed himself into cargo room 6-310.


So, I’m going to do the following modification:



Text to Jorgensen: “OK, we’ve got Larson sealed into 6-310.  Now what we need to do is to find a way to pipe some nitrous oxide gas in there.  Can you be working on the ventilation system while I try again to cook up some nitrous oxide?  Thanks!”


Canada then begins to prepare for another attempt at making nitrous.




From: Robert Bogdon [mailto:robert...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 06, 2010 11:09 AM
To: Rev. Ryan A. Rush
Subject: Re: Failure


My last post aside, I would say that a fail by 2 isn't a big failure, so you'd probably need 5-10 minutes to clean the glassware and try again.  Let me know if you'd still like to go ahead with your plan based on my last post.

On Tue, Apr 6, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Rev. Ryan A. Rush <obla...@gmail.com> wrote:

Just failed a Chemistry roll to create nitrous oxide.  How long do I need to wait before I can attempt another Chemistry roll?

Robert Bogdon
Sr. Systems Engineer, DivX

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 12:29:15 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Text to Canada: “Working on it.”


First, Jorgensen makes sure that both doors into 6-310 are secured from the outside.  Once this is done, he then works on the computer to see what options are available for pumping gas into 6-310.  Can he set up a direct link from the chemistry lab, or would the gas have to be inserted into the system from somewhere else?

Robert Bogdon

Apr 6, 2010, 12:35:59 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

You could probably do this from the Surgical Sickbay on Deck 2 where the life support controls are.  But at best you'd be able to limit it to a particular Deck, not a single room.  That would be an Electronics Operations (Medical) roll.  Alternatively, you could attempt to physically seal off the air vents for that room and inject the gas through the vents.  That would likely be two different Mechanic (Low Performance Spacecraft) rolls.  Also, once you do either, I would hold off to give Larson a chance to respond.

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 12:45:10 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com



This assumes that Jorgensen has sealed the exits from 6-310.




Jorgensen sends to Canada: “Have sealed off 6-310 from outside.  Suggest closing air vents and placing gas in them.”

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 6, 2010, 12:49:08 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com


I think that’s what happened …



Canada texts: “Jorgensen: To be clear, make sure the exits from 6-310 are sealed.  Thanks.”

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 12:50:39 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Jorgensen texts: “Already done.”

Robert Bogdon

Apr 6, 2010, 12:59:17 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

He's all sealed in in terms of the doors.  Right now it's a question of how you want to proceed to try to gas him.  Once you determine that, go and ahead and have whichever person make the appropriate rolls.  After you get started gassing him, then give him a chance to respond.  Based on the information I've gotten from Larson, he won't be doing anything quickly enough to change your mind about gassing him, even if you have to wait 5 minutes to try the chem roll again.  However, he will most likely react in some way if he realizes he's being gassed, and nitrous oxide is not an odorless gas.  So based on the posts I've seen while writing this, Doctor, can you go ahead and give me a couple of chemistry rolls, as many as you'd be likely to try assuming nothing goes horribly wrong.  I'll just use as many rolls as needed until you pass, something goes horribly wrong, or you run out of rolls.  Jorgensen, can I get a couple of mechanic (lps) rolls, and assuming the Dr. is successful, I'll take your rolls into account.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 6, 2010, 1:03:09 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com


After another failure, on his third try Dr Canada manages to produce a quantity of nitrous oxide in a container.  He finds Jorgensen and gives the container to him.

Robert Bogdon

Apr 6, 2010, 1:09:08 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

We'll call this 10 minutes total per failed attempt, including the attempt and the cleanup, plus 15 minutes for the successful attempt.


While Dr. Canada is working in the chemistry lab, Jorgensen can hear Larson moving things inside the cargo room.

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 1:12:34 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

One of the vents works fairly easily, the second has apparently been more affected by the years, but he eventually is able to seal this vent as well.


When Jorgensen sees Dr. Canada moving towards him with a container of gas, he quickly texts to him:  “Larson moving items, may be trying to block vent, will try to check.”


<assuming that Dr. Canada gives Jorgensen the gas>


Jorgensen moves to the first vent, first trying to check to see if Larson has indeed blocked off the vent.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 6, 2010, 2:11:52 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com


So now we wait for Larson to go, right?

Robert Bogdon

Apr 6, 2010, 2:16:03 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

The canister of gas empties itself into the room and the Doctor and Jorgensen wait for several minutes, however after 15 minutes, movement can still be heard inside the room.

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 2:18:46 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Jorgensen texts to Canada: “Make more gas, set to blow in Larson’s face?”

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 2:30:37 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com



What skill would be needed to operate one of the Exoskeletons in the Cargo Room?

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 2:34:39 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Immediately after sending this text, Jorgensen stops to think.


“No, he’s in the cargo room.  He likely has a vacc suit, who knows what else.”


He then sends another text:  “Larson has vacc suit, likely other items, what now?”

Robert Bogdon

Apr 6, 2010, 2:49:02 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
This would be a Battlesuit roll, which defaults to Vacc Suit (or other suits) -2, or DX-5.  The exoskeletons primarily provide increased strength for moving heavy objects.  The contents of the cargo rooms were meant to keep the crew alive in the event of a catastrophe where they were sealed off from the rest of the ship or there was a massive hull breach.  They were also meant to get the initial first crew up and running while they brought systems online, so that they didn't need to worry their first day about going to the hangar bays to get food and water.

Orr, Michael J

Apr 6, 2010, 3:24:58 PM4/6/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

After more thought, Jorgensen sends another text to Canada:


“Suggest that I go to other cargo room, ready weapons against Larson.”

Xander Szabo

Apr 7, 2010, 11:15:59 AM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Tom types a text o Canada.
"I can try to track him from the control room. See if I can sabotage him from there. Or would you rather have me back you up, Doc."
((And I'm back in the game... exam week sucks))

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 1:40:27 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Let's call this 3 hours since Tom and the Doctor woke.


There is a sudden jolt and everyone begins drifting slightly towards the front of the ship.  The jolt is following by a metallic groaning from overhead.  Displays throughout the ship begin flashing "IMPACT ALERT" in addition to the normal ship status.  There is a series of smaller jolts and everyone begins to drift sideways.  The ship status display is now showing "Fuel Tank #3 - BREACH".  A noise like hail can be heard coming from the hull of the habitat module.  The display showing the ship and it's relative position in the Ceti Alpha system now shows the ship rotating slowly so that within a few minutes it will be coming in to the system face first instead of tail first.

Within seconds of the first jolt, Dr. Canada receives an automated message informing him that another crewmember has been awakened due to restored communication with their hibernation pod.

Xander Szabo

Apr 7, 2010, 2:51:27 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Tom grabs a handhold and propels himself to the control room.

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 4:36:43 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

I'm going to assume that means you're taking the emergency ladder shaft.


Tom pulls himself through the emergency ladder shafts and makes his way to the control room.  The same view of the comet is on the main display, however it now has a clearly missing chunk out of the side.

Xander Szabo

Apr 7, 2010, 5:10:41 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Tom quickly moves to a console.

Bloody hell, she's fallen apart. Right. Let the Doc worry about Larson for now.... gotta get her under control. Lets see now.....

((Computer Ops vs skill 14 to determine damage extent, 11 ==> passed by 3))

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 5:47:21 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Think of the fuel tanks as being  arranged in a hexagon pattern around tank #4.  Tank #1 and #2 are below Tank #4.  Tank #3 and #5 are on either side.  Tank #6 and #7 are above Tank #4.  I'll put an illustration in the manual when I get a chance.  So the layout is:

Above the spine: #6, #7
At the spine: #3, #4, #5
Below the spine: #1, #2


Based on the video feeds you're able to replay, you see a large chunk of ice split off of the main comet nucleus and drift back towards the ship.  Eventually it collides with Tank #3, causing the tank to rupture and the high pressure hydrogen to vent into space.  The chunk of ice slides along the tank, causing additional breaches in the different cells of the tank.  The ship begins to rotate slowly around the point of impact, causing the debris from the comet to begin impacting the side of the ship instead of building up around the engines in the rear.  After tearing through the fuel tank, the chunk of ice drifts off behind the ship without causing further damage.

All of the individual compartments within tank #3 are registering zero pressure.  A few of the forward compartments in tanks #1 and #4 are showing elevated pressure.  Automated systems prevented the venting of fuel from additional tanks by closing off the plumbing to Tank #3.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 8:12:01 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com



Dr. Canada texts to Carter: “Carter! Can you figure out what just happened?  Larson’s contained … for the moment.  Your top priority is enabling ship survival.  I’ve got Jorgensen with me, helping deal with Larson.  Let me know if you absolutely have to have him back. And I’d like a situation report as soon as you can.”


Dr. Canada texts silently to Jorgensen: “I can’t imagine Larson has blocked the vents – I haven’t been sending him these messages, so how would he know what we were up to?  In any case, if he’s blocked off the vents, he’ll be out of oxygen soon.  If not, the gas should take effect.  I can’t seem to recall how long the nitrous will take to incapacitate him, but I know how long it will take for the lack of O2 to incapacitate him without actually harming him. So let’s go ahead and pump the nitro, and wait that amount of time.  I’ve got Carter working on whatever just happened with the ship.”




OK, Dr. Canada knows about O2 but I don’t.  So I couldn’t be specific in the post.  Hopefully Larson can’t read Dr. Canada’s mind or intercept his texts.


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Robert Bogdon
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 4:47 PM
To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Failure



Orr, Michael J

Apr 7, 2010, 8:21:18 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Jorgensen texts to Canada: "What if Larson wearing vacc suit?  Is found in cargo room."

From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Rev. Ryan A. Rush [obla...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:12 PM

To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Subject: RE: Failure

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 8:29:03 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com



Canada texts: “If he’s in a vacc suit, he should be much easier for us to subdue together when we open the door.”




Surely there’s a combat penalty to hand-to-hand in a vacc suit right?

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 8:41:20 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

So, rough numbers, assuming you don't displace all of the oxygen, and don't take into account the effects of the NO2, you're looking at 5-10 minutes of useful consciousness.  Based on the information in the book, I would say the suits in this case do not cause the user to incur a penalty.  Rather than being modern day inflated suits, these are tight suits that provide physical pressure against the body rather than air pressure.  See the UltraTech note about suits in the Environment Suit skill.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 8:59:36 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com


Orr, Michael J

Apr 7, 2010, 9:00:52 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Does Jorgensen know how much gas is left in the container?  If so, how much.

From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Robert Bogdon [robert...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 8:41 PM

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 9:15:26 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

The pressure gauge on the canister has dropped to 14.5 psi (one atmosphere), indicating the canister is essentially empty.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 9:15:58 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

While figuring out what to do, it occurs to Dr Canada to ask the computer through his smartphone the details of the newly awakened person.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 9:16:48 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Wait so you’re saying the nitrous is gone??

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 9:23:35 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
The canister has been successfully emptied into the room.  So far, it has had no effect.

Robert Bogdon

Apr 7, 2010, 9:29:38 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Staff Sergeant Emma Pope, now the ranking officer aboard the ship, was automatically awakened by the computer when her hibernation pod started communicating with the main hibernation control system temporarily during the collision.  She is listed as part of the military detachment aboard the ship, though not part of the normal flight crew.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 7, 2010, 11:20:50 PM4/7/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Dr. Canada moves to a part of the deck where he can be sure Larson will not hear him through a wall and voice-calls Emma Pope.


“Sgt. Pope, this is Dr. Marc Canada, one of the medical personnel.  I’m prepared to brief you in full, but first, are you experiencing space sickness?”

JC Demers

Apr 8, 2010, 12:01:06 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

IC: Gary Larson

Location: Cargo Room, 6-310

Like being underwater. But above it. When I breath, I can hear it. When my heart beats, I can hear it. For a seconds, I finally feel like I’m alone. But I never am. Right there, in the back of my brain; like a whisper in my mind. I can hear them, and they can hear me. Whispers in the back of my mind. Talking in hushed tones. Under the thick vaccum suit gloves, my hands feel strangely cold. I bring them up to blow on them. Silly silly me. My breath doesn’t even travel farther than an inch from my face before it bounces back. The gloves hit the helmet. Depth perception is distorted. Like being underwater. Light dances off the water, bouncing everywhere. Distorting dept perception. My hands are cold, like swimming in a lake. Like swimming in ice water.



The ship! Have to wake them up. Get the ship back on course!


Focus Gary! Them! No no no! It’s me. Just me. Me and my silly crooked mind. My hands thump against my helmet a few times, as I try to knock some sense back into my skull. Something must have breached the ship’s air circulation system. The air smelt funny. Felt funny. Excess of CO2 maybe. No no no. Nonsense. Odourless. Focus Gary. Plants. I know plants, not ships.


I’ve barely enough time to think that I’m gliding towards the door I just barricaded. Maybe they’re gone? Maybe they’ve gone quiet? Maybe I’m getting tired enough I can handle them anymore?

[OOC: Gary will slowly begin to barricade the door.]

JC Demers

Apr 8, 2010, 12:21:26 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

IC: Emma Pope

Location: Hibernation Room 5-509

For a brief moment, Emma forgot everything. She forgot the ship. She forgot the cryogenic stasis. She forgot the half second of panic when her pod had sealed itself. She forgot the people they had abandoned back on Earth. Eyes fluttering behind close eyelids, she heard gentle waves slowly roll off the ocean and into the beach. For that brief moment, she was back home. She could smell the ocean. She could taste the salty air on the tip of her lips.


Rolling to the side, she blinked into awakening. And everything came back. Everything. The ship. The cryo. The ride up into space. The training. Her father. Everything she had ever known was gone. Everyone was dead.


Her first bodily reflex was to hurl. Emma’s stomach churned as she dry heaved a few times, her head spinning round and round as she tried to get a sense of direction. Taking a deep breath, the young woman closed her eyes back, and imagine herself submerged in water. Back at the Johnson Space Center, her unit’s zero-g instructor had told them to imagine themselves swimming underwater, to forget the usual laws of up and down. An accomplished combat diver herself, Emma had quickly adapted herself to zero gravity condition. A few seconds later, Emma had centered herself back.


No longer feeling any urge to purge, she let herself drift for a few seconds, until she could grab hold of one of the “ceiling’s” handrails. She wasn’t quite sure what was going on, but she knew one thing for certain: she had to get into gear ASAP, and case the situation.


A few minutes later, Emma Pope had slipped herself into her dark blue and grey military issue reflex vac suit. She was busy securing her sidearm to her right thigh when her smart phone tacked to the front of her suite chirped. A man’s voice echoed into her ear.


“Sgt. Pope, this is Dr. Marc Canada, one of the medical personnel.  I’m prepared to brief you in full, but first, are you experiencing space sickness?”


Pressing the transmit button with one hand, Emma holstered her sidearm into her thigh holster.


“No sir.” Said Emma curtly, her voice sounding a bit coarser than she remembered it.


Now geared up, Emma kicked herself off the floor and drifted towards the hibernation room.


“I'm heading to the Control Room. I need a full Sit Rep on the double, Doctor.”

[OOC: Emma will gather her gear, and head out of the Hibernation Room, towards the Control Room.]

Xander Szabo

Apr 8, 2010, 12:28:03 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Tom sets the controls.

Okay. Like pickin' off a dingo's whisker.... gently.... gently.....

Tom reaches for his headset. He sends out on a channel to Canada.

"Ok Doc. We have an iceberg on our ass of Everest quality. It's breakin' up and I'm gonna help it out. We already lost one fuel tank. If it breaks up without any control, this ship'll pop like a balloon. Setting lasers for a single blast with three in reserve for firing at debri."

On an open channel Tom speaks.

"All hands, brace for impact."

Robert Bogdon

Apr 8, 2010, 12:53:05 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
The first salvo from the laser goes wide, missing the ice on the tail end of ship completely.  The second shot is a direct hit and the force of the blast sends a chunk of the ice drifting away from the ship.  The third shot is another miss, while the fourth shot sends another larger chunk of ice flying away from the ship.  The laser misses four more times as it attempts to fire very close to the rear of the ship, but then it hits the remaining ice which shatters and drifts away from the ship in an expanding cloud of ice crystals and water vapor.  Within seconds the main engines begin firing and the ship suddenly acquires a "down" in the direction of the rear of the ship at 1/200th Earth gravity.  The main body of the comet drifts away from the ship as the ship decelerates.  The ship status display no longer shows the warning for the Fusion Rocket system.  The navigational display shows the ship returning to it's tail first trajectory and it's projected course placing it in orbit approximately 2 AU from Ceti Alpha, just beyond the outer edge of the habitable zone.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 8, 2010, 1:26:06 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

The doctor reports to Sgt. Pope:


“Multiple malfunctions all over the ship, along with hibernation module malfunctions.  Until now I’ve been in command.  An engineer named Carter and another named Jorgensen are active – Carter is in the command center dealing with some sort of impact we just felt.  There’s also a man named Larson who awakened 15 years ago and is experiencing delusions.  He’s currently trapped on Deck 3 of Habitat 6 in one of the Cargo bays.  He’s apparently tried to pry open several hibernation hatches and killed personnel in the process.  For the moment he’s contained.  If I could get him to take a series of pills, I could help him, but I’d need to restrain him in one of the sickbays.  I hereby relinquish command to you, according to the chain of command, and await your further orders.”


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JC Demers

Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2010 11:21 PM
To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Subject: Re: Failure

JC Demers

Apr 8, 2010, 2:05:54 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

IC: Emma Pope

Emma had barely secured her arm through one of the hallway’s handrail that the ship shook itself about. In her ear, the Doc kept going with his report. Emma had never met the man, and under normal circumstances, she would probably have had very little interaction with him. Sure, they have met on a semi regular basis, for physical check ups. But even then, down at the core, Emma was just one grunt in an entire unit.


She briefly flashed to the lifeless hibernation pods.

Maybe one of the few grunts left. The way everything seem to grunt and growl around her, the ship wasn’t in the best of shape.


And until further notice, it wasn’t “the” ship anymore. It was “her” ship.


As Canada continued his briefing, Emma began to take notice of her surroundings a bit more, getting her bearings towards the Command Center. Even thought Canada couldn’t see her, Emma nodded as he informed her she was now in charge. Getting into the elevator for the Command Center, the young woman contacted all active smartphones.


“This is Staff Sergeant Emma Pope. I am as of now in command of this mission, until the senior staff is revived.  Doctor Canada has already informed me of our current situation. Carter, Jorgensen: I need status reports from the both of you. Where are you, what are you doing and what are you current assigned tasks.”


Checking the elevator panel, she was about to the button for the Command Center, but held off.


“Doctor, are you positive that Larson is currently contained? We don’t even have a skeleton crew to run this ship. I need you to start waking up key personnel.”

Orr, Michael J

Apr 8, 2010, 8:55:10 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Jorgensen directs his smartphone to contact Pope.


“Pope, Jorgensen.  Sorry for bad English.  On deck 3, habitat 6.  Assigned task is to capture Larson.  Have finished emptying gas canister into cargo room where Larson is.”


As Jorgensen speaks, Pope hears a very heavy Scandinavian accent.


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JC Demers
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 2:06 AM
To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Failure


IC: Emma Pope

Xander Szabo

Apr 8, 2010, 11:11:37 AM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Tom slaps his thigh. Laughing.
Crikey, bustin' frosty up right. Okay. Let's see if she..... yes. Rocket systems back online and 3, 2, 1.
The ship begins to decelerate. Tom quickly rotates through a series of status screens. He settles on the the navigation display.
2 AU out... ok, we can handle that. Right, now...
Tom's headset clicks on: “This is Staff Sergeant Emma Pope.......you current assigned tasks.”
Right. New command. Bloody changes every minute...
Tom pulls out a cigarette and lights it. He inhales slowly, letting the calm seep into his mind. Closing his eyes he leans away from the console allowing the smoke to float a foot from his face.
"G'day Seargent. Carter here. I'm in the control room. Currently, my task is... well, keeping this fat lady together. Current status is we hit a comet, clogging up the main engine. I got the ice off our ass though so she's diggin her heals tight now. We have a rupture in Fuel tank 3. Lost a bit of fuel, but the other tanks sealed off. So we might still have enough to get us to Alpha Ceti.
*mumbling* Gotta check that...
Ah, right, and the Mag Sail is cactus. Lost rotation on the habitats, but that's kinda last on the list worries. Oh, and we have a jungle growing out of the hab modules. No idea what systems that could be mucking up. Basically busy as a cat burying shit.... erm.... ma'am."

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 8, 2010, 12:00:19 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Canada replies to Emma: “Affirmative. Jorgensen has sealed him in.  We flooded the room with nitrous, but he may be in a vacuum suit.  He’ll be fine in there for the moment unless he’s blocked up the vents, and I think he’ll unblock them if he starts to be in danger.  We can’t leave him there indefinitely, though – he’s going to need to eat and drink, and he’ll definitely be wanting a bathroom break.  But I advise leaving him alone until we can handle him, because of his break with reality.”


Canada, feeling relieved of the burden of command for which he had never prepared or trained, says out loud to no one in particular, “Now I really AM a doctor, not a commander!”  Next task: de-hibernating people.  With Larson contained, this should go much more smoothly.


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JC Demers
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 1:06 AM
To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Failure


IC: Emma Pope

JC Demers

Apr 8, 2010, 2:49:41 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

IC: Emma Pope

With her hand balled up in a fist, Emma hit the elevator button.


“Jorgensen, make yourself available to the Doctor if he needs you. I want you to see if you can do anything concerning the system faults hibernation control.”


As the elevator shot up, Emma started to pull all he hair back, tying them tightly in a pony tail.


“Doctor, make sure you have an operational sick, and start working on waking people up. I don’t have enough bodies Doctor. Get me some.”


When the doors slid open, it didn’t take long for Emma to spot Carter. After all, he was alone. As she flew gently through the air, she couldn’t help herself but smile a bit internally. Now, these men weren’t soldiers, let alone trained and hardened Marines. But they were up to the task; doing their best to perform in what could only be describe as an unusual situation.


Emma grabbed one of the consoles next to Carter, giving him a nod of approval, but with a face of dead serious features. She was wearing a vac suit of a different color then theirs; dark blue and grey, with obvious ballistic padding, under what looked like a rather full tactical vest. The handle of a 10mm pistol poked out of a thigh holster on her leg.  Emma stood about 5'9", 140 pounds, and by the looks of her tight fitting vac suit, keeps herself very fit. With her dark blond hair pulled tight in a pony tail, the young woman probably looked a lot stern than she was.


“Glad to have you at the helm, Mister Carter.” She gave him an approving nod once more.


She looked off towards the main viewing screen, doing her best to assess the situation.


“Now, I need a straight up answer from you.”


Emma turned her head and looked directly at Carter; her eyes digging into his.


“No bullshit: Can you get us to Alpha Ceti?”

Orr, Michael J

Apr 8, 2010, 2:54:50 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Upon hearing Pope’s message to him, Jorgensen sends a text to Canada:


“Canada, Jorgensen.  Do you still need me?  Pope wants me to work on system faults hibernation control.”


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of JC Demers
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 2:50 PM
To: tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Failure


IC: Emma Pope

Robert Bogdon

Apr 8, 2010, 4:55:59 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

This is in response to a successful Sensors roll by Carter in the control room.    Pretend there's a map, and as soon as I can find or write some software to generate something, I'll get it to you guys.  In the meantime, the sensor data is available as a PDF on the website that will represent the cumulative data available from the ship's computer.  As additional information is collected or discovered, it will get added to the PDF.


The screens throughout the ship showing ship status and navigation information have begun showing additional data from the ships sensors.  A summary of the major bodies of the Ceti Alpha system is now included.

Xander Szabo

Apr 8, 2010, 9:56:29 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
Tom looks up. His mouth opens to respond but stalls. The cigarette still half smoked floats away from his lips, slowly cartwheeling away.

"I, umm.... w-well ma'am. I c-can g-g-get..." Carter swallows hard. He notices the cigarette peeling away and quickly snatches it. He jams it back in his mouth then turns his head to the console.

"I can get her to stop now that her clacker's thawed. First thing is to find the right planet though. We have delta v to move after decel.... but w gotta know where to go. According to pre-mission, we have 3 possible planets. Alpha Ceti 2 through 4. 2 and 3 are close, but 4 is on the other side of the sun."

 ((Or, perhaps the other way around? Not sure the location precisely we will be stopping on))

He continues to stare straight at the console, cheeks flushing a slight pink.

Xander Szabo

Apr 8, 2010, 9:58:01 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
((Wait, no on further inspection I was right initially... we are headed more towards 2 and 3... 4 is on the further side.))

Robert Bogdon

Apr 8, 2010, 10:17:59 PM4/8/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Something to keep in mind is that the closer in to the star you get, the faster the planets will be moving.  With the original mission profile, decelerating with the magsail at 0.001G, you would arrive at the inner system in approximately six months.  During that time, Ceti Alpha II will orbit twice, Ceti Alpha III will orbit once, and Ceti Alpha IV will complete a half orbit around the star.  Decelerating at the 0.005G of the fusion rocket, you can coast further once you're back on course, and arrive at the inner system in about three months, and the planets will move half of that distance.  Those are rough numbers, but they should at least give you a sense of what your options are.  With the appropriate rolls, I can validate other mission profiles for your characters.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 9, 2010, 1:23:28 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Canada sends to Jorgensen: “Pope’s in command now, and Larson seems to be contained for now.  Thank you for your outstanding work.”


Canada proceeds to Habitat 6 Deck 4 and looks around to see how many pods on that deck are ready to be opened.


From: tdcg...@googlegroups.com [mailto:tdcg...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Orr, Michael J
Sent: Thursday, April 08, 2010 1:55 PM
To: 'tdcg...@googlegroups.com'
Subject: RE: Failure


Upon hearing Pope’s message to him, Jorgensen sends a text to Canada:

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 9, 2010, 1:44:09 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Canada, Dr. Marc, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Temporary Commander of Bellerophon


“Let this serve as a record of the brief period in which I was in command of the crew of Bellerophon.


“I became de facto commander a few moments after I was automatically awakened from the hibernation pod.   As I soon discovered, there were several hibernation pod casualties due to damage from what seems to be a crowbar, or something like it.  The only other person awake (initially) was botanist Gary Larson, who was awakened fifteen years ago.   In addition to planting vegetation all over the ship, it seems that Larson is responsible for the damage to the pods, probably because of the delusions he is suffering over the trauma of fifteen years alone with nothing but habitation pods.  The computer revealed mechanical errors which made it likely we would not be able properly to enter system Ceti Alpha.


“Soon thereafter Chief Engineer Tom W. Carter was auto-awakened, and began working on engine problems.  At his request I awakened Space Construction worker Ernst Jorgensen.


“When I headed to the command center to assess the larger situation, I encountered Larson and was soon joined by Carter.  My psychological expertise, combined with the evidence of damaged pods, led me to conclude that Larson is, however , dangerous to others and possibly to himself.  He refused anti-psychotic medication Bifeprunox.  At that point I made the command decision to attempt to incapacitate Larson using a TASER.  This tactic failed and Larson escaped.


“Jorgensen encountered Larson in Habitat 6 Deck 3 and informed me.  Carter and I moved to Deck 3 where, acting under my command, Jorgensen sealed off every exit but the one we were guarding, and sealed all of the internal doors shut.  As it turns out, Larson had barricaded himself in one of the cargo bays, and was now shut in.


“My concern remained for the rehabilitation of Larson.  I produced a quantity of nitrous oxide, which Jorgensen, under my orders, pumped into the ventilation of the cargo bay.  My hope was to incapacitate Larson long enough to confine him to sickbay, in restraints, and administer his treatments over time.  However, the possibility exists that Larson detected the smell of the nitrous oxide and donned one of the vacuum suits available to him in the cargo bay.


“At this point I was informed by the computer that Staff Sergeant Emma Pope had been auto-awakened.  I contacted her and briefed her on the situation, as she is higher in the chain of command than I.  I transferred command of Bellerophon operations and personnel to her.


“This ends the record.  Dr. Marc Canada, MD.”

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 9, 2010, 1:51:31 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Canada, Dr. Marc, Deputy Chief Medical Officer.


At present time there are 5 subjects, myself included, revived from hibernation.  There have been numerous hibernation casualties, but a complete accounting has yet to be made.


SUBJECT 1: Dr. Marc Canada (myself)

At present I am not suffering from space sickness or any evident ill effects of hibernation.


SUBJECT 2: Gary Larson

At present Gary Larson is suffering from acute dementia due to prolonged psychological stress.  He has been prescribed Bifeprunox by Dr. M. Canada.  Administration of the drug has thus far been impossible because Larson has proven difficult to apprehend.  His current status is: dangerous to himself and others.


SUBJECT 3: Tom Carter

I have not performed a physical on Carter, but have no reason to believe he is compromised.


SUBJECT 4: Ernst Jorgensen

I have not performed a physical on Jorgensen, but was present at his awakening, and have no reason to believe he is compromised.


SUBJECT 5: Emma Pope

I have not yet encountered Sgt. Pope in person.  She reports no space sickness, but any medical opinion at this point would be premature.


End Log.

Rev. Ryan A. Rush

Apr 9, 2010, 1:59:06 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Canada, Dr. Marc, Deputy Chief Medical Officer.


What a disaster!  I haven’t even been able to process it all.  Things have gone so terribly wrong.  So many people dead, because of a deranged man!  And deranged because of a computer error, through no fault of his own!


I don’t even know if the ship will survive long enough for this log to even matter.  Thank God for Emma Pope.  I had to be in command today for several hours.  It’s a job I’ve never wanted, but there was no choice.  But here I was – me, with my absolute aversion to killing!  Me, with my Hippocratic oath to be a healer, yet having to fire a TASER on a mentally ill patient!  Thank God it didn’t come to a physical confrontation – I always freeze up!


In any case, that part, at least, is over.  Now I can get back to doing what I was made to do – saving lives.  There are a lot of people waiting to be brought back, and if the creaking and groaning of this ship is any indication, we need as many skilled hands going right now as we can get.  I wonder if I might not ought to awaken some more doctors next, so that we can speed up the re-awakening process…


Eng log.

Orr, Michael J

Apr 9, 2010, 8:36:17 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Jorgensen sends a quick text to Canada:  “Understood.”


He then heads toward the surgical sickbay on deck 2, where the hibernation controls are.  On the way, he sends a text to Pope.


“Pope, Jorgensen.  Heading to hibernation control.  Any other orders?”

Robert Bogdon

Apr 9, 2010, 10:16:38 AM4/9/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com
A quick survey (30 minutes) of Deck 4 reveals that out of the 196 pods, 24 are offline and/or forced open.  Of the remaining pods, the crewmembers fall into the following categories:

Flight Crew, 9
Colonist, 66
Medical, 9
Sciences, 35
Security, 4
Military, 9
Construction, 21
Technician, 21
No Specialty Listed, 1

JC Demers

Apr 14, 2010, 12:22:39 PM4/14/10
to tdcg...@googlegroups.com

Command Log, Staff Sergeant Emma Pope, Acting Commanding Officer


Following my awakening from hibernation at [timestamp], I was contacted and briefed by Deputy Chief Medical Officer Marc Canada, who was currently in command of the ship. Being the ranking person now aboard, Doctor Canada relinquished command to me, where upon I headed to the Control Center.


Doctor Canada also informed me that one of the colonists, Gary Larson, had been awoken 15 years ago, probably due to a fault in his hibernation pod. He indicated that the man was delusional, and posed a danger to the rest of the crew. With the help of Space Worker Ernst Jorgensen, he had been able to lock the man inside one of the cargo room, on deck 3 of Habitat Module 6. Since he assured me Larson could not get out, I decided the situation didn’t require immediate attention.


On my arrival at the Control Center, I was given a ship’s damage report by Chief Engineer Tom Walker Carter. Reports indicated that the ship had somehow drifted off its original course and entered the tail of a comet, resulting in hull damage from ice debris.


At that moment, the ship’s status was the following:

-Speed: X

-Heading: X

-Damage: fuel tank #3 (ruptured, total loss), fuel tanks # and # showing elevated pressure levels, faults in the hibernation control systems, inoperative magsail.


After assessing the situation, I ordered Carter to do an additional survey of the fuel tanks, in particular the ruptured one. At that time, my concern was primarily with the ship’s hull integrity. Debris from the comet had clearly impacted the tanks, and might have weakened their structure to a point where additional tanks might be lost. The damaged tank could also detach itself from the ship, and thus cause further damage.


Via smartphone, I contacted Doctor Canada and Space Worker Ernst Jorgensen, tasking them with the revival of a skeleton flight crew. Exact choice of personnel was left at the discretion and judgement of Doctor Canada. At [timestamp], the following crew member were thus brought out of hibernation:


-Warrem Riggs: Magsail Pilot

-Bonnie Ferguson: Low Performance Spacecraft Pilot

-Dion Taylor: Communication Officer

-Jim Holt: Navigator

-Chester Rojas: Sensor Specialist

-Sebastian Cohen: Traffic Controller

-Stephan McCarty: Chief Steward

-Jason Hanson: Cook

-Cody Dudley: Assistant Quartermaster

-Dr. Hershel Sharon: Biologist

-Dr. Keri Ratliff: Astrophysicist


All were revived without incidents, at the exception of Dr. Keri Ratliff, who was never the less saved later on by the actions of Jorgensen. It was at this moment I was informed by Doctor Canada of the deaths of both Captain Cheatham and Commander Masten.


After personally briefing the crew on our current situation, I issued the following orders:


-Riggs: Evaluate the magsail’s status

-Ferguson: Slow the ship down, keep a general heading towards Ceti Alpha 2 and 3, check the fuel levels, and give a rough estimate of our manoeuvring capabilities.

-Taylor: Run a full diagnostic on all our comm gear.

-Holt: start drawing approach courses for Ceti Alpha 2, 3 and 4.

-Rojas: Get detailed scans of all three habitable planets.

-Ratliff and Sharon: Analyze the data collected from previous scans of the Alpha Ceti system

-McCarty and Hanson: Start prepping the living quarters, the kitchen and mess hall.

-Jorgensen and Cohen: Prepping one of the Kobold Work Bug for a space sortie.

-Dr Canada: Prep Sick Bay, and thus wake up the necessary medical personnel to handle emergency.


I also gave the additional order, to Dr.Canada, to locate and wakeup Major Foss.


Based on reports given by Sensor Technician Rojas, and Dr. Ratliff and Dr. Sharon, I took the decision to plot a course towards Alpha Ceti 2. For detailed information concerning the accumulated data, refer yourself to their respective Duty Logs.


The magsail was determined to be both tangled and ruptured, making it dangerous to retract. It was also established that to jettison the broken fuel tank with the magsail deployed would cause extensive damage to both the magsail and the ship. Crawlers robots were deployed to repair the ruptured magsail, and Jorgensen was ordered to take a Kobol to re-secure the damaged fuel tank. 


Upon Major Foss’ successful revival and arrival on the bridge, I turned over my command to him.



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