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Apr 15, 2010, 12:15:46 PM4/15/10
to Team Discovery Channel - Gurps

From: Major Foss
To: All Crew Members

During our journey to Ceti Alpha II, all crew members will be required
to attending Physical Training with Staff Sergeant Pope after her
recovery. Any member of this crew unable or unwilling to pull their
weight will be assigned to very cold, very small quarters for the
forseeable future. I strongly recommend using this opportunity to
crosstrain with other crew members and ensure your continued
usefulness to this crew.

JC Demers

Apr 15, 2010, 7:27:34 PM4/15/10
From: Staff Sergeant E. Pope
To: All Crew Members

As per Major Foss' orders, I will conduct Physical Training, starting next week, every morning, from  0830 to 1030.
PT attendance from 0830 - 0930 is NOT optional, unless assigned to a Priority Task by the Major, or because of medical reasons.
Medical exemption will only be taken into account if signed by the Deputy Chief Medical Officer. 

Crew members are invited to participate in the extra hour PT, from 0930 to 1030. Though not obligatory, participation is highly recommended.

Training routine will be a mix of both cardiovascular and strength training.
Basic self defense classes will also be given, to promote both agility training and general fitness.

Some training will be conducted in zero gravity. Notices regarding zero g training will be issued 24 hours in advance.
Do not forgot your vacc suit.

Since Emma has the Teaching Skill at 12+, she counts as a Teacher for game purposes, meaning that time spent in PT will count as time spent Studying with a Teacher.
PT Training counts as training in the following skills (you can assign the total amount of hours of your choice to any study of any of those skills):

-Free Fall

As per GURPS rules, to get 1 point in a skill, you need a total of 200 study hours.
You can either split your hours between multiple skills, or pile them all into one.
Since the training will run 7 days a week, for 8 weeks, this gives you a total pool of either 56 hours of study time (1 hour per day) or 112 (2 hours per day)
Yes, there are no days off ;)]

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