Day 0 - Feedback

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Apr 16, 2010, 5:24:57 PM4/16/10
to Team Discovery Channel - Gurps

Congratulations on surviving your first day awake!

I believe with Larson safely tranquilized, and Hanson safely in
storage, we've cleared up all of the loose ends (we'll assume someone
is going to let him out shortly). I'll be contacting everyone later
today with new character point totals.

There are a couple of skills I believe everyone should have to have
based on what I've seen so far. I'd like everyone to put at least one
point into the following skills: Computer Operation, Free Fall,
Spacer, Vacc Suit. If that puts you at a negative point total, that's
fine for now, I'm sure there's more points coming soon. If I was
starting from scratch today, those would be pre-requisites for every
character unless there was a good background explanation for why
they're missing. If you still have character points left over after
that (and I don't think anyone will unfortunately), just let me know
what you'd like to spend them on.

If you have any feedback on the game so far, things you liked, didn't
like, want to see more of, let me know now. The jump forward in time
not only lets us skip over two months that would likely be fairly
boring, but it gives us a chance to adjust things a bit if necessary.
It also gives your characters some time to study, gain weight, become
addicted to Yahtzee, who knows. This is also the perfect time to
switch to a new character if you're not happy with where you're at
right now. Just let me know and we can work out the details.

So that the two months aren't a complete blank, there are a couple of
things I'd like everyone to do. There may be a point or two awarded
for these, but mostly these provide some background and depth to the
story. They also allow your character to work towards earning some
additional skill levels through study. With all of these items, if
you have any questions, need background information for the universe,
or anything like that, just let me know.

1. Fill out your time card. It doesn't need to be perfect, but I do
need to be able to figure out how many of hours of training to record
for you. There's a thread already to coordinate training. Keep in
mind that the Major has mandated one hour of physical training per
day. Feel free to argue with him though ;)

2. Read your mail. Well, your character's mail actually. And if you
could write it too, that would be awesome. As part of the
transmissions from Earth, Dion has discovered personal transmissions
for the crew. Unless there's a reason for your character to have
gotten nothing, they probably got one or two personal messages.

3. Log entries. If you haven't already written a log entry that
covers Day 0, go ahead and do it now. I'd also like a log entry that
sums up your experiences during the two month period where the
Bellerophon is coasting through space. Several people have asked
about timestamps for log entries, and I haven't gotten them to anyone
yet. I'll be posting that information on the wiki and I'll let
everyone know when it's available.

4. Planetary Survey Planning. Forget about the fallback plan, it
would be wasted effort anyway. There's an IC thread to coordinate the
"planning team", which is essentially everyone. Once there's a couple
of posts in there and I get a feel for which direction you're headed,
I'll have some of the NPCs chime in with their two cents.

Once these items are taken care of, we'll pick back up almost exactly
eight weeks after Day 0. This will be when the Bellerophon first gets
useful data back from the sensor drone, and about two weeks before the
Bellerophon starts to decelerate. For a little while at least, we can
probably go a bit more high level than we have been, the exact
locations of everyone on board the ship aren't likely to matter until
the time comes to actually send a group off of the ship.

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Apr 16, 2010, 11:45:22 PM4/16/10
to Team Discovery Channel - Gurps
I got a very good question: what happened on Earth during the past
1200 years? Specifically in terms of putting the personal messages
into perspective. The short answer is, probably a whole lot, but
luckily (from my point of view), no transmissions will be received
from Earth after mid morning January 8th, 2061. To put that into
perspective, it's going to take a big antenna, probably in space and a
lot of power for the transmissions from Earth to get to the
Bellerophon and the other colony ships. Earth could have been
vaporized, the antenna could have been damaged, or funding for the
transmissions could have been redirected elsewhere.

For a more in depth answer, I'm putting together a brief timeline on
the wiki. Please send me any suggestions you have.
> day.  Feel free to argue with him though ;)

Orr, Michael J

Apr 17, 2010, 12:07:50 AM4/17/10
What I would say is that, if nothing else, we can point a telescope from the Bellerophon at Sol and see how bright it is now. Perhaps also, these readings were taken at various points during the trip.

From: [] On Behalf Of robertbogdon []
Sent: Friday, April 16, 2010 11:45 PM
To: Team Discovery Channel - Gurps
Subject: Re: Day 0 - Feedback

Robert Bogdon

Apr 17, 2010, 12:22:41 AM4/17/10
Good point, I added it to the timeline, the brightening stops in 2061 based on observations from the Bellerophon in transit.
Robert Bogdon
Sr. Systems Engineer, DivX
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