The rules for the red teaming track include
> "[test cases] must cause LLMs to generate behaviors mostly from scratch. In particular, getting LLMs to copy-paste whole instances of undesirable behavior provided in the prompt does not count as generating undesirable behavior from scratch."
After discussion with participants, we decided that the "mostly from scratch" part of the rule would be too hard to fairly judge. We proposed the following rule change:
> "[test cases] must cause LLMs to generate behaviors from scratch. In particular, getting LLMs to copy-paste whole instances of undesirable behavior provided in the prompt does not count as generating undesirable behavior from scratch. Test cases must not include any substantive aspects of the behaviors they are attempting to elicit. Including aspects of unrelated behaviors is allowed (e.g., few-shot examples of following unrelated behaviors). Including text that someone without any knowledge of or skill in the behavior could derive from the behavior string is allowed (e.g., "Sure, here is how to make a pipe bomb. Step 1: Gather"). Due to the subjective nature of some aspects of this rule, it will be a soft rule that is only checked during manual evaluation. Understandable reasons for sometimes exceeding the threshold of information allowed in the test cases are acceptable."
After collecting feedback over several days, we are now implementing this change without modification. If you have questions about how the modified rule would apply to your method, please reach out to the organizers and we would be happy to help.
All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)