TDC 2023 Update: The competition has ended; next steps and competition workshop

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Mantas Mazeika

Nov 12, 2023, 3:31:23 PM11/12/23
to tdc2023-updates

The competition has ended. Thank you to all participants for your efforts! We have reached out to the tentative winning teams for the Trojan Detection Track and are currently in the process of verifying their submissions. We are working on manual evaluations for the red teaming track and will reach out to tentative winning teams for the red teaming track this upcoming week. We will announce the winning teams and release the test phase leaderboards at the competition workshop on December 16.

The competition workshop will be a 3-hour event at NeurIPS 2023 in New Orleans, with a hybrid in-person/online format. The workshop will include an overview of the results of the competition, announcements of the winning teams, contributed talks from first-place teams to describe their methods, and invited talks from experts in the field. All participants are invited to join. For more information about the competition workshop, see here:

All the best,
Mantas (TDC co-organizer)
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