Call for Share - Atlanta Open Source Test Automation Shareathon (AOSTAS)
Inspired by the OSTATLI ( on February 5th, I am inviting all open source test automation tool aficionados in the Atlanta, Georgia area to join me for a day of mutual sharing of open source (lightweight) test automation tools and frameworks. This event will be a free small, non-commercial, invitation-only gathering on Saturday (March 7, 2009) (10am-6pm) in Roswell (metro-Atlanta), Georgia.
Participants need to bring their laptops/computers, loaded with their favorite tools, or pick some to download that day, and we will spend a day uploading, installing, experimenting, and sharing various tools to see what each one can do. We will have facilities (room, furniture, power, WI-FI). Please bring a light lunch for yourself.
We can also swap philosophies and war stories about how our organizations are using open-source software tools.
This is a peer workshop, which means that all participants are expected to actively participate, one way or another. Come and play and learn.
Participation is limited. But getting an invite is easy: just email me (jasnow [at] hotmail [dot] com) by March 1st with your ideas of sharing.
Please forward this to others, especially organizations such as AST, CAST, and SQUAD, that maybe interested. This is not limited to just testers.
Al Snow