'window.frames.0' is null or not an object
out of a getEval. Googling turns up nothing. Does anyone have an
idea as to what might be making Selenium unhappy here? If it makes a
difference, Selenium is running on a VM here. Here's the whole trace:
14:57:59.527 INFO - Launching Internet Explorer...
14:58:01.918 INFO - Allocated session 477559 for http://foo.socialtext.net:2201
14:58:01.949 INFO - Got result: OK,477559 on session 477559
14:58:01.965 INFO - Command request: open[about:blank, ] on session 477559
14:58:02.012 INFO - Got result: OK on session 477559
14:58:02.027 INFO - Command request: getEval[window.frames[0].resizeTo(screen.wi
dth,screen.height), ] on session 477559
14:58:02.074 INFO - Got result: ERROR: Threw an exception: 'window.frames.0' is
null or not an object on session 477559