June TCBA Advocacy Meeting

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dale freeman

Jun 12, 2023, 10:20:17 PM6/12/23
to tcatc, Tim Potter, Kevin Schumacher, Dave Mansfield, Diana Twede, Jeanne Wright, Michael Unsworth, Matt Penniman, Steven Leiby, Bob Lovell, David Goodman, Dan Stockwell, Mike Dombroski, Robert Pena, Arthur Slabosky, Pat Harrington, Rosanne Leland, Dean Brailey, Alex Seddon, Corey Rowe, Tom Hardenbergh, Patrick Kelley, Phil Wells, Nick Kwiatkowski
Good evening folks,

This month's TCBA Advocacy Meeting is taking place at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, June 14th, at LMB Headquarters (410 S. Cedar St., Lansing).

Please let me know if you have any agenda items to discuss.

Thank you!

Dale Freeman

Dan Stockwell

Jun 13, 2023, 10:35:43 AM6/13/23
to dale freeman, tcatc, Tim Potter, Kevin Schumacher, Dave Mansfield, Diana Twede, Jeanne Wright, Michael Unsworth, Matt Penniman, Steven Leiby, Bob Lovell, David Goodman, Mike Dombroski, Robert Pena, Arthur Slabosky, Pat Harrington, Rosanne Leland, Dean Brailey, Alex Seddon, Corey Rowe, Tom Hardenbergh, Patrick Kelley, Phil Wells, Nick Kwiatkowski
I will not be at the meeting. We are heading to Lake Michigan tomorrow morning. The only announcement I have is that I have appointed to the Delta Township Parks and Recreation Commission. 


Dan Stockwell 

From: dale freeman <dfree...@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, June 12, 2023 10:20:03 PM
To: tcatc <tc...@googlegroups.com>; Tim Potter <flyingdu...@gmail.com>; Kevin Schumacher <schum...@glassenrhead.com>; Dave Mansfield <mansf...@chartermi.net>; Diana Twede <tw...@msu.edu>; Jeanne Wright <wrig...@yahoo.com>; Michael Unsworth <uns...@gmail.com>; Matt Penniman <ma...@lmb.org>; Steven Leiby <Leib...@gmail.com>; Bob Lovell <bobl...@comcast.net>; David Goodman <daveh...@aol.com>; Dan Stockwell <dstoc...@gmail.com>; Mike Dombroski <mikedo...@gmail.com>; Robert Pena <RP...@ingham.org>; Arthur Slabosky <artbe...@sbcglobal.net>; Pat Harrington <path...@yahoo.com>; Rosanne Leland <rle...@sbcglobal.net>; Dean Brailey <brai...@comcast.net>; Alex Seddon <alex.ell...@gmail.com>; Corey Rowe <corey...@gmail.com>; Tom Hardenbergh <greenv...@gmail.com>; Patrick Kelley <pres...@biketcba.org>; Phil Wells <philw...@yahoo.com>; Nick Kwiatkowski <n...@msu.edu>
Subject: June TCBA Advocacy Meeting

John Lindenmayer

Jun 14, 2023, 2:33:23 PM6/14/23
to Dan Stockwell, dale freeman, tcatc, Tim Potter, Kevin Schumacher, Dave Mansfield, Diana Twede, Jeanne Wright, Michael Unsworth, Matt Penniman, Steven Leiby, Bob Lovell, David Goodman, Mike Dombroski, Robert Pena, Arthur Slabosky, Pat Harrington, Rosanne Leland, Dean Brailey, Alex Seddon, Corey Rowe, Tom Hardenbergh, Patrick Kelley, Phil Wells, Nick Kwiatkowski
Congratulations Dan! That’s great news.

John Lindenmayer
Executive Director
League of Michigan Bicyclists

410 S. Cedar St. Suite A
Lansing, MI 48912
(517) 334-9100

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