[on-asterisk] How to pass ${EXTEN} from dialplan to php file which accept variable $did_numb ???

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Bruce N

Jun 13, 2010, 3:26:45 PM6/13/10
to asterisk Mailing

Hi Everyone,
Trying to pass ${EXTEN} to a php file for processing. Not sure how to. The php file takes $did_numb as defined:
<?php$did_numb = $_GET['did_numb'];?>
I know that http://serverIP/file.php?did_numb=416-444-5555 works fine but when calling php file by system() from dialplan how can this be done?
exten => s,n,system(php file.php?did_numb=${EXTEN}) |||| This method doesn't work as "php file.php?did_numb=416-444-555" simply doesn't work from the CentOS prompt.
What is the proper syntax here?
I also want whatever that file.php returns to be saved in $var for later usage in dial-plan afterwards.
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Bruce N

Jun 13, 2010, 3:38:46 PM6/13/10
to asterisk Mailing

!sorry for repost. I used Chrome with Hotmail again which garbles the text.

Hi Everyone,

Trying to pass ${EXTEN} to a php file for processing. Not sure how to. The php file takes $did_numb as defined:


$did_numb = $_GET['did_numb'];

I know that http://serverIP/file.php?did_numb=416-444-5555 works fine but when calling php file by system() from dialplan how can this be done?

exten => s,n,system(php file.php?did_numb=${EXTEN}) |||| This method doesn't work as "php file.php?did_numb=416-444-555" simply doesn't work from the CentOS prompt.

What is the proper syntax here?

I also want whatever that file.php returns to be saved in $var for later usage in dial-plan afterwards.


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John Van Ostrand

Jun 13, 2010, 4:16:48 PM6/13/10
to Bruce N, asterisk Mailing

----- Original Message -----
> Trying to pass ${EXTEN} to a php file for processing. Not sure how to.
> The php file takes $did_numb as defined:
> <?php
> $did_numb = $_GET['did_numb'];
> ?>

There are two ways to do this. If you insist on using a system() call you could pass the variable as an aguement. I don't recall how to use the system() function to pass an argument so I'll guess here:

exten => s,n,system(php file.php "${EXTEN}")

Then in PHP use:

$did_numb = $_GLOBALS['argv'][1]

> I know that http://serverIP/file.php?did_numb=416-444-5555 works fine
> but when calling php file by system() from dialplan how can this be
> done?
> exten => s,n,system(php file.php?did_numb=${EXTEN}) |||| This method
> doesn't work as "php file.php?did_numb=416-444-555" simply doesn't
> work from the CentOS prompt.
> What is the proper syntax here?
> I also want whatever that file.php returns to be saved in $var for
> later usage in dial-plan afterwards.

Okay so what you really want is to use AGI. Get an AGI library for PHP. I recall using one called phpagi.php (http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpagi/)

You will want to use the get_variable() and set_variable() functions.

Again from memory:

exten => s,n,agi(file.php)

Then the PHP code


// Use the phpagi library
require "phpagi.php';

// It's an object so let's instantiate it
$agi = new AGI();

// Get a variable from dial plan

// do something, like assign a value to $var
$var = "something";

// Set a dial plan variable
$agi->set_variable("var", $var);


John Van Ostrand
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Bruce N

Jun 14, 2010, 3:50:25 PM6/14/10
to jo...@netdirect.ca, asterisk Mailing

Thanks for that John. PHPAGI seems to be the right choice.

However when doing a NoOp I am getting channel info like ip and sip info for the variable. It seems to me that the variable is not passed the right way back to the dial-plan.

NoOp reults:

NoOp("SIP/", "") in new stack

Maybe the problem:

$agi->set_variable("var", $var);


> Date: Sun, 13 Jun 2010 16:16:48 -0400
> From: jo...@netdirect.ca
> To: het...@hotmail.com
> CC: aste...@uc.org
> Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] How to pass ${EXTEN} from dialplan to php file which accept variable $did_numb ???

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John Van Ostrand

Jun 14, 2010, 4:13:33 PM6/14/10
to Bruce N, asterisk Mailing
----- Original Message -----
> However when doing a NoOp I am getting channel info like ip and sip
> info for the variable. It seems to me that the variable is not passed
> the right way back to the dial-plan.
> NoOp reults:
> NoOp("SIP/", "") in new stack

Just so I'm clear, your doing something like:

exten => s,n,NoOP(${var})

And getting the results you mention? that doesn't show a channel name, but rather that ${var} contains "".

You probably want quite on the php, that could screw up the set_variable stuff.

#!/usr/bin/php -q

Of use the -q argument when invoking php.

P.S. There is a typo in my code below. The get_variable command should be:


> Maybe the problem:
> $agi->set_variable("var", $var);
> >

Bruce N

Jun 14, 2010, 6:08:01 PM6/14/10
to jo...@netdirect.ca, asterisk Mailing

Thanks for the great input again. It was the phpagi path that I had wrong in the .agi file. Once that was set properly everything works fine. Now, I need to find out a way to check status of a registered peer. Wondering if there is a request I can send for that in the phpagi?!


> Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 16:13:33 -0400

> From: jo...@netdirect.ca
> To: het...@hotmail.com
> CC: aste...@uc.org
> Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] How to pass ${EXTEN} from dialplan to php file which accept variable $did_numb ???

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John Van Ostrand

Jun 14, 2010, 6:22:06 PM6/14/10
to Bruce N, asterisk Mailing
----- Original Message -----
> Thanks for the great input again. It was the phpagi path that I had
> wrong in the .agi file. Once that was set properly everything works
> fine. Now, I need to find out a way to check status of a registered
> peer. Wondering if there is a request I can send for that in the
> phpagi?!

I think you need to use the Manager API for that. Two ways:

You could use PHP's system() call to run "asterisk -r ...." and capture and parse the output.

Or you could get a asterisk manager library for PHP and do it as a function.

Which you choose depends on how often Asterisk will call the AGI script.

Bruce N

Jun 14, 2010, 9:36:54 PM6/14/10
to asterisk Mailing, jo...@netdirect.ca

Going to resort to asterisk -rx as this is a simple call and want to temporarily solve the issue rather quickly but I need to find out what the escape charecter is for this line as it doesn't work:

$sip_peer = 2342342342
$peer_count = system('asterisk -rx "sip show peer $sip_peer" | grep -c "X-Lite"', $retval);

Above is supposed to return 1 if $sip_peer is registered (by utilizing grep -count) with X-Lite as word found and 0 if it is not registered but it always returns 0, I think because the " " are confusing php.

I searched and since no one probably uses asterisk -rx this way, there are no results on google. In addition, php people never use asterisk -rx either....so their solutions never include the use of " " inside ' '

What could be the escape charecter for I guess "sip show peer $sip_peer" and "X-Lite" part so it returns the proper value back.

> Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 18:22:06 -0400

> From: jo...@netdirect.ca
> To: het...@hotmail.com
> CC: aste...@uc.org
> Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] How to pass ${EXTEN} from dialplan to php file which accept variable $did_numb ???

Bruce N

Jun 14, 2010, 11:20:09 PM6/14/10
to rafael....@gmail.com, asterisk Mailing

Thanks for the input. I tried that but it didn't work. Seems to be a bit more complex. However this works:

$peer_count = system("sudo /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx " . escapeshellarg("sip show peer $sip_peer\"\"") . " | grep -c X-Lite");

Thanks for all the help everyone.


Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2010 22:06:55 -0400

Subject: Re: [on-asterisk] How to pass ${EXTEN} from dialplan to php file which accept variable $did_numb ???

From: rafael....@gmail.com
To: het...@hotmail.com

Try this instead:

$peer_count = system("asterisk -rx \"sip show peer $sip_peer\" | grep -c \"X-Lite\"", $retval);

In php, when you use single quotes, the string will be interpreted as is, statically. Only when you use double quotes you'll have the variables getting translated.


Rafael Carneiro

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