Weeklymin & monthlymin for checking availability for low-priority tasks

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Jul 29, 2023, 4:03:09 AM7/29/23
to TaskJuggler Users
Dear all,

I am new to TaskJuggler. I am currently performing some tests, in order to check whether it would be a good idea for my organization to start using it as a project planning tool. So far, it looks like a promising tool to me :-) However, I found some annoying behaviour (a bug ?).

I would like TaskJuggler to help me check whether team members have enough time left for performing low-priority tasks, after they have completed their normal-priority tasks. According to TaskJuggler documentation, weeklymin & monthlymin keywords were specifically designed for that purpose.

However, when I try to use these keywords, TaskJuggler does not display any warning even though it should.

Here is the syntax I have used (attached is the full file) :

resource ProjectMgr "Project Manager"
resource Dev "Developer"

task OpeningPhase "Project Opening Phase" {
  start ${projectstart} 
  task PrjPlan "Project Planning" {
    effort 2w
    allocate ProjectMgr
  task TechTrain "Technical training" {
    effort 3w
    allocate Dev
task DevPhase "Development Phase" {
  depends OpeningPhase 
  effort 4m
  allocate Dev
task DelPhase "Delivery Phase" {
  depends DevPhase 
  effort 1w
  allocate ProjectMgr

task PrjTeamMgmt "Project Team Management" {
  priority 400 /* Lower than default priority of 500 */
  start ${projectstart}
  end ${projectend}
  allocate ProjectMgr    
  limits {
    weeklymin 5h {resources ProjectMgr}
    monthlymin 40h {resources ProjectMgr}

Here is what I get :
  • During the first 2 weeks of the project (during "Project planning" task) and during the last week (during "Delivery phase" task), the project manager gets 0 allocation to "Project Team Management" task, because they are fully occupied on ordinary tasks (I guess this is OK, it is what I expected)
  • In spite of weeklymin set to 5 hours, TaskJuggler does not display any warning (this is not OK for me)
Any clue ? Did I get something wrong ? Or is there some bug in the tool ?
I am using TaskJuggler version 3.7.2.

Thanks a lot in advance!

Thierry Bouquier

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