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Trying to download an image with HTTP REQUEST but http_data is coming back with JSON and binary data

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john threat

Oct 4, 2024, 2:46:12 PM10/4/24
to Tasker

Im trying to download an image from a webserver, the data i get back from HTTP REQUEST GET returns the previous JSON POST as well as binary data that is the PNG image. Is there a way to seperate this using Tasker?

here is the data I get back from the webserver in %http_data

this wont write to a valid img file as is, is there a way to pull them a part? When i go the webserver in the browser it does NOT send the JSON from the previous POST just serves the image/PNG file

any ideas how to fix this?

João Dias

Oct 7, 2024, 5:09:46 AM10/7/24
Hi. Try to use the option to save to a file in the HTTP Request action instead of checking the %http_data variable. Does that make it work?

Thank you for your contact.

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João Dias

john threat

Oct 7, 2024, 12:34:08 PM10/7/24
Nice this does work! figured it out this weekend.  Save to file resulted in a PNG image. 
Just curious is it a bug that it still had the JSON from a previous query in the %http_data

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