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Making a notification for a specific app in a specific location radius

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Lee Wilkinson

Jan 16, 2025, 4:40:56 AMJan 16
to Tasker
Hello All,

I have a Google Pixel 6 Pro
Tasker Version 6.3.13
I have paid for the Autolocation and Autonotification plugin.

A little background:
I live in Melbourne, Australia and I am a volunteer firefighter with the CFA (Country Fire Authority).
The CFA send out alert messages via an app called SAS when there is an emergency nearby, so that we can rush to the fire station and get out there to assist.

The SAS app, though, often fails to adequately notify me of an emergency.

During the day, I work disability support, so when the SAS app notifies me of an emergency it can sometimes worry some of the people with intellectual disabilities. My workplace is not close enough to my home so I do not need these notifications when I am at work.

The app also has 3 types of notification. Emergency, Non-Emergency and Admin. I only want the phone to notify me when it is an Emergency and a Non-Emergency, not when it's an admin message.

What I am hoping for:

I wish for Tasker to recognise when SAS is trying to notify me. If SAS is providing an "Emergency" or "Non-Emergency" notification I want Tasker to then check my location, and if I am within 5km of my fire station I then want Tasker to sound an alarm, regardless of my phones silent or do not disturb status.
If SAS provides a notification that is only "Admin" I do not wish to be disturbed with a sound.

If I get an emergency or non emergency notification and I am outside of a 5km radius to my fire station, I don't want Tasker to make a sound.

In all cases I want to receive the notification, even if it is only an admin message. I don't want to miss any notifications, I just don't need to have my phone alert me at all times in all locations for all notifications..

I hope this makes sense. I have been struggling to make it work and would really appreciate some guidance here.



João Dias

Jan 16, 2025, 4:43:58 AMJan 16
Hi! What distinguishes those types  of notifications? Do they have different titles for example?

Thank you for your contact.

   Join: connect multiple devices (send pushes, remote SMS, notifications) on Android, Windows, Mac, Linux
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João Dias

Lee Wilkinson

Jan 16, 2025, 5:50:06 PMJan 16
I hope this reply reaches you

I couldn't see a way to reply on the google group chat thing...
I've attached a screenshot of your message and I'll reply here

The notifications titles contain, at the start, either the word Admin, Emergency or Non-emergency

Thank you

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João Dias

Jan 17, 2025, 5:34:50 AMJan 17
If that's the case, use the Notification event condition and specify the title there. Then in the task you can sound the alarm with the Music Play action for example :) Hope this helps!

Thank you for your contact.

   Join: connect multiple devices (send pushes, remote SMS, notifications) on Android, Windows, Mac, Linux
   Tasker: customize/automate anything on your phone!
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João Dias

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Lee Wilkinson

Jan 19, 2025, 3:03:49 AMJan 19
Thank you for the advice and input, it's much appreciated.

Is the information I enter case sensetive? Only sometimes the messages show up as "Emergency", sometimes "EMERGENCY"

Also, your response didn't cover how to ensure the alarm only sounds when I am within 5km of my home..

Many thanks


Lee Wilkinson

Jan 19, 2025, 3:06:30 AMJan 19
Apologies for responding twice

Aside from the case-sensetive question, I'd like to know if what I enter in Title (see attached) is keywords, or if it has to match all the words in the title?

For example, sometimes the notification is "Emergency - Yarra Glen All" and other times it could say "EMERGENCY - YG1" and so on...

I'd appreciate some clarification on how to use this feature

Thank you


On Fri, 17 Jan 2025, 9:34 pm João Dias, <> wrote:

João Dias

Jan 20, 2025, 5:13:58 AMJan 20
Those fields use Pattern Matching. In your case, setting it to *emergency* should work, I think :)

About the distance, you can use the Get Location v2 action to get your current location and then the Tasker Function action with the Distance Between Locations function (use the magnifying glass in the Tasker Function for easy setup) to get the distance between your location and your home :)
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